What would you do?


Today's front page of The Sun

There has been an awful incident in Spain. A man is in jail for killing a man.
So, these things happen, we all know that. Punishment where punishment is due.

This case hit home a little closer as the accused is known to people I know. I’ve seen him, never met him.

But the situation it occurred in, now that’s a different matter.

The victim, if you could call him that, was a suspected paedophile, who already had a case open against him for possessing child pornography.

The accused, a father, who noticed him taking pictures of his children without permission, and despite being asked to refrain from taking pictures, he continued.

I don’t have the full details but, as always with cases like these, details vary. Allegedly, the accused took the iPad from the ‘victim’ to delete the pictures and saw older pictures which were of a pornographic nature of other children, and he flipped.

Some say it was one frustrated angry punch from a protective father, who then left with his family. Other reports said in excess of 10 punches were thrown at the ‘victim’ and he was dragged around. He later died in hospital.

The accused is now held in jail in Spain, awaiting his hearing.

That, at the moment, is all I know, but what do you think?
How would you react in this situation?
Was he wrong to want to protect his children from a possibly dangerous, sick man?
Should he have just ignored it?
Had a shouting match?
A civilized conversation?

If that was me, as a parent, I would be fuming. I know my Hubby Dearest’s blood would boil too. Possibly a physical reaction would occur.

I would never wish anyone dead, but I can’t condone that kind of sick behaviour of the ‘victim’.

(Incidentally, the paper in the picture, was more interested in the ‘victim’s’ connection with Katie Price than the actual story. The accused got a paragraph mention…)

32 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Christopher Farley
    Feb 21, 2015 @ 11:17:41

    Good post. The only defenceless people here are the children, and they have to be protected.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. jennydevildoll
    Feb 15, 2015 @ 02:27:52

    Yeah, I know technically it’s not our place to decide who’s life should be taken and all that, but offing a pedo really really appeals to me. Someone send that man a “Father Of The Year” coffee mug.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Just Plain Ol' Vic
    Feb 14, 2015 @ 19:28:18

    When it comes to the safety of my children, all I can say is tread lightly. To endanger then in any way you do so at your own risk.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. getonkimslevel
    Feb 14, 2015 @ 16:09:54

    This is a hard situation to deal with. I think we all would react the way the father did. Now we know that we should not take the law into our own hands but the father’s case should be dealt with as a crime of passion. He reacted because, as you stated, he wanted to protect his child. If he didn’t take the iPad and see those pictures the man would still be alive. The father didn’t plan to fight that pervert. That man is sick and while I never wish death upon anyone, he needed something to happen to him for the sake of these innocent children. Those poor babies!! 😔

    Liked by 1 person


  5. drewdog2060drewdog2060
    Feb 14, 2015 @ 15:24:20

    We need to be very careful here. There have been cases of suspected paedophiles being attacked or killed only for it to emerge later that they where not sex offenders. If someone is guilty of the horrendous crime of paedophilia the law (not mob justice) must be allowed to take it’s course. The rule of law is what makes for a civilised society. Kevin

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Feb 14, 2015 @ 15:27:02

      You are totally correct Kevin, we shouldn’t take the law into our own hands, fir sure, but what about your gut instinsts, if faced with such an awful thought regarding your child?



      • drewdog2060drewdog2060
        Feb 14, 2015 @ 15:43:34

        I hope that I would make a citizen’s arrest (detain the man until the authorities arrived and they could examine the contents of the iPad). No one knows how they would react in that situation and I totally understand the natural desire of parents to protect their children, but violence is not the answer. Having said the above, there have been instances where paedophiles have been caught in the act of sexually abusing a child. In such a situation no one can blame a parent for reacting violently when they see their child being violated.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ritu
        Feb 14, 2015 @ 16:21:52

        Totally agree.


  6. edwinasepisodes
    Feb 14, 2015 @ 15:09:02

    I read about this incident as well. As you say there are varying reports of whether a single punch was thrown or a series of blows. I believe that the attacker worked out frequently and also did a bot of boxing. Personally I don’t know what i would have done. I know I would have confronted the man for taking pictures of my child. but not sure attacking him like that is the right answer. Apparently this resort where they were staying is supposedly ‘upmarket’. I just wondered if there were any staff around and did anyone try to intervene.Very sad as the father that attacked the victim is now going to be put away, and won’t get to spend time with his kids. Lose-lose situation.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Feb 14, 2015 @ 15:14:40

      I know, exactly… Yes he is an experienced boxer from what I know too. It is sad… but like I mentioned to some others… It’s so easy for us to hear about it, think rationally, and say what we would do, but put in that situation… what would go through your head, as a parent…? I hate violence too, personally, I like to talk things through, but I remember hearing my little brother being picked on as a child, and I was only 9 or 10.. I punched the guy in the mouth… totally not what I would be expected to do… so it was the heat of the moment… and if that was my child… God knows what I would be capable of… Thanks for commenting!

      Liked by 1 person


  7. Opinionated Man
    Feb 14, 2015 @ 15:02:28

    Reblogged this on HarsH ReaLiTy and commented:

    Only ten punches? -OM
    Note: Comments disabled, please visit their post.

    Liked by 2 people


  8. cocosangel
    Feb 13, 2015 @ 19:22:30

    What a story! If it was me, I think I would do the same thing too. And my husband too. If as the story you said, I would think that the accuser derserved what he got. But now that he is dead, the father will be going to jail. Which he could have avoided if he had gone to the police.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Feb 13, 2015 @ 19:24:42

      I know, but who woukd think rationally if placed in such a situation?



      • cocosangel
        Feb 13, 2015 @ 19:33:52

        Yes of course. I don’t think killing the person is going to solve the problem. Being angry is one thing. But killing is useless. Now that the father is in jail, what would the children do….


      • Ritu
        Feb 13, 2015 @ 20:12:25

        I agree… from what I hear, he hit him in frustration, and left with his family, The guy died later in hospital… Did he mean for that to happen, or just to hurt him for possibly doing something so disgusting, we don’t know…


  9. A Muslim Latina
    Feb 13, 2015 @ 06:25:11

    I think that a child is innocent and should be protected at all cost. I’m not a parent but to think that some stranger is taking pictures of my kids without permission I and my husband would take action.. Most likely physical if the one chance we give that person try don’t take it.
    I’m sorry the father went to jail and hopefully the truth comes out. If this man was a known child abuser I have no problem in him being dead, one more monster that children will be safe from..

    Liked by 1 person


  10. barrira
    Feb 12, 2015 @ 19:51:24

    The world is full of too many horrible people…



  11. Purpleanais
    Feb 12, 2015 @ 18:29:51

    I would have been fuming too but would have handed the matter over to the police. (after telling that waste of a human being what I thought of him)

    Liked by 2 people


    • Ritu
      Feb 12, 2015 @ 18:48:25

      I’m inclined to agree with you… But woukd we really hold our cool if actually faced with the situation?



      • Purpleanais
        Feb 12, 2015 @ 18:52:01

        This is not something we can answer for sure unless we are actually placed in the situation, it’s just too easy to speculate isn’t it? But unless you’re actually there, you never really know how you would react…..

        Liked by 3 people

  12. Blackbird
    Feb 12, 2015 @ 17:49:46

    I’d like to think I would have been rational about it and turned the piece of human waste in to the police with the pornographic contents of his Ipad (I’m assuming the possession of child pornography to be a crime in Spain as well), but if I’m honest… If I had one of those creatures in front of me there’s a great possibility I’d end up in prison myself.

    If that ever happens maybe the contents of my blog would be enough to plead insanity… One can hope. >.>

    Liked by 1 person


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