#SoCS June 8/19 – Life Balance

Linda’s #SoCS prompt this week is a repeat, but looks, likely to become a repeat offender, in a good way!

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “open book, point, write.” Pick up the closest book to you when you sit down to write your post. Close your eyes, open the book, and place your finger on the page. Whatever word or phrase your finger lands on, write about it. Enjoy!

I am currently reading a coupleof books, which is a bit of a shocker, as I am not am multi-book reader usually, but I have a novel my Karen McQuestion – From A Distant Start – on the go, and a positive thinking book, Unlearn, by Humble The Poet that I am dipping in and out of.

It was Humble’s book that came into my hand first…

… and the words my fingers came to rest upon were ‘balance in life’.

Kinda freaky, as I have been talking to my Hoppalong Hubby Dearest about balance recently. More accurately, work/life balance.

That’s a big thing, nowadays, isn’t it?

The pressure to do better, perform better, get things done perfectly, do it all better… it’s upon us all in some way.

And increasingly, you might see couples not really leading a couples life, but fleetingly meeting in the mornings, and hardly talking in the evenings, busy with work related things, and too tired to interact in more than the most basic of greetings and goodnights.

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You hear of families who, even though they are traditional two parent families, find one parent, often the mother, feeling like a single parent, because, despite working herself, the other half is laden down with work pressures, and is barely able to make an evening parents evening, let alone help with the school run once in a while.

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There are those professionals who haven’t even got either of the above to balance out, as their work takes up so much time, that a social life, or time for themselves is so limited.

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Work/Life balance.

Afre we working to live or living to work?

  • I love my job. I truly do.
  • I love my family. More than my job.
  • I love my writing with a passion.
  • I love my friends.

Why should one have to give?

So, here’s what I do… I compartmentalise. And I find shortcuts!

The first hour of my day is devoted to getting things ready for everyone, then relaxing with a cuppa, watching the news and catching up with notifications and emails.

Yes, I am in work early, very early, by 7.45am. Yes, I can be still there at 5.45pm… but only on three days. The other two, I’m out by 4pm

During the day, I will take a break, but I will also make sure I am doing all that needs to be done to prepare for the rest of the week, to make my life easier.

I make sure that, apart from report writing, and the odd time I need to make resources, I bring no work home with me at all.

At home then, I am wife and mum. I’dd do cooking and housework. I’ll help with homework. I’ll nag (because all good wives do) and I’ll have fun with my family.

Then, once everyone is all set, my evening time is mine to choose what I do with it. Read, write, watch tv, iron (I do love a bit of steam pressing) whatever takes my fancy!

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I will arrange nights out with friends. I will go and see family. I will not let work tip me over the edge, even though it is easy to do.

We were discussing it as an opportunity may arise for Hoppalong, where he could go for a role which is more prestigious than his current one, but will involve more stress and pressure, and possibly more time. He compares himself to his MD who is literally on work mode 24/7.

You know, if it works for his MD then fine, but there is no need to be like that. There are always ways to balance things out.

Sure, when you start hight pressure jobs, the need is there to be a little more work, a little less life… but once you are settled, there is the chance to bring that balance back.

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29 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Carol Anne
    Jul 18, 2019 @ 23:48:42

    I think you got a good thing going! A good balance of work and play!

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Laura
    Jun 09, 2019 @ 21:17:38

    That balance thing is so important. The frustrating thing is how it shifts — I feel like it’s finally somewhat/kinda/sorta balanced but then one thing changes and it’s out of whack again. Sheesh!

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Jennie
    Jun 09, 2019 @ 02:17:10

    Boy, you have hit the nerve of every working woman. Some days I can do it all, and other days I’m letting everyone down because I’m not a cat with nine lives or an octopus with eight arms. Sigh! Great post, Ritu!

    Liked by 1 person


  4. thereluctantpoet
    Jun 09, 2019 @ 01:21:56

    Reblogged this on The Reluctant Poet.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. scr4pl80
    Jun 08, 2019 @ 17:01:11

    Looks like you’ve got yourself a good plan there. I wish I would have thought about those things earlier when the kids were little. I’m afraid we all missed out.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. joylennick
    Jun 08, 2019 @ 16:55:30

    Everything has a price. I absolutely loved being a Mum, and still do – but it’s very different when you’re retired! Back then…how did I look after four men, work part-time in the City and cook every night? Also, at one time, help run a shop/at another run a hotel…When you have the energy (sapped though it may be) there’s, thankfully, more of it when younger. I think you do a brilliant job, Ritu, managing to teach and fit in all your writing, etc.,and family’s needs. You should pat yourself on the back. It will get easier when your children are more independent and you can spend more leisure time with your husband. xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Jun 08, 2019 @ 17:13:44

      Thank you Joy.
      I do kick myself sometimes when I’ve had a nothing day… But then I recognise that I need that down time to balance all the crazy out!



  7. OIKOS™-Publishing
    Jun 08, 2019 @ 16:38:09

    Wonderful written, and so true! The only way you can get silence is plugging out all electronic devices, are – my solution – let it all flow into the cloud. There is so much space for all them want an answer just in time. Lol – Quite intrusive, I always write that I have her fax number. [hahaha] Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Maggie
    Jun 08, 2019 @ 14:05:35

    We have choices to achieve balance, I think.

    Liked by 1 person


  9. robbiesinspiration
    Jun 08, 2019 @ 10:37:20

    I am not convinced, Ritu, that you ever get the balance back when you take on more at work. The more you are paid the more your employer expects from you.

    Liked by 1 person


  10. willowdot21
    Jun 08, 2019 @ 10:10:39

    It is all about choices isn’t it. It not easy and I take my hat off to you Sis 💜💜

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Erika Kind
    Jun 08, 2019 @ 08:38:49

    It is all about finding your own structure to make fit in what you want to fit in. Sometimes we have to find compromises.

    Liked by 1 person


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