Chai And A Chat #151 #ChaiAndAChat

Hello, all! I’m back, with my first update of the New Academic Year!

Just about enought time to squeeze in a quick cuppa, while I tell you how my week went!

  • If we were having chai I’d not start with School, because last Monday was a bank holiday. Instead, let me regale you with a set of disasters that started before school, and didn’t really conclude until Saturday! So, I woke on Monday, earlier than the rest. That’s a usual occurrence. I sipped a cup of tea as I read, before thinkint I’d wash up the dishes and go shower. Except I couldn’t. Because there was no WATER! After a little digging, it appears that a water mains burst, near us, rednering waterless for the best part of the day. That is no fun! It came on briefly in the afternoon, allowing Hubby Dearest to shower, but then went off again until 8pm. Great! Still, it was back. However, I woke on Tuesday, a little nervous about school, to find that a switch had tripped in our electrics, meaning no lights downstairs, at all, and the whole of the kitchen was without power, lights and sockets! Cue me running around, trying to find alternative sockets for the fridge freezer, and a place to plug in my kettle! Then I got a message from one of my team. She was ill, and wouldn’t be in. No worries. We were on INSET day, so that could be managed. Left the house with Lil Man who had to go in for his first Covid test, pre starting Sixth Form. And the road was closed, out of our lane, meaning I had to find a new way to get to school! A little later we arrived at our destination, frazzled, but ready for a new day. The power was restored at home mid morning, but the internet decided to be a pain, instead, disconnecting itself from all the WIFi discs we have around the house. So, that evening, I was trying to help get it all reset, and then proceeded to lose my phone behind a radiator! Don’t ask. forty five minutes of struggling, but we got it out. The internet issues didn’t, end, with the connection going again on Thursday, and it took me until Saturday to actually get it all set up again. Fingers crossed, it is all okay, so far.
  • If we were having chai I’d catch my breath, then let you know about school. So, we had 2 full days of INSET, which is in school training and preparation days. These involved meetings, to go over changes, and developments, time to meet new staff, training on a few new ideas, and refreshers on others, as well as time in the classrooms. At least these went relatively smoothly…! Thursday and Friday were the days we had booked for home visits to children who weren’t a part of our school nursery, so we could meet them, and they were a little familiar with them. And weren’t they eye opening?! I am already aware that we have a large number of high needs pupils beginning, but all I will say is that we will have our hands full! No further comment. Oh, actually, there is one. Despite a slight fear of what is to come, the children do seem lovely! And another, some of these children have gorgeous pets! I was in school until a little later on Friday, so I could get the room as set as possible for Monday, when the children are due in for half days. Someone has misplaced an important set of keys, which opens one of my storage areas, so it was a little tough. I am hoping we find that sooner, rather than later!
  • If we were having chai I’d have to say that, as always, cricket was still there, hovering in the background, and sometimes coming forwards… a couple of weeks to go… He had two training sessions, and then on Saturday played for the Mens 4ths team, and got Man of the Match! Three wickets taken. Well done, Lil Man!
  • If we were having chai I’d have to mention that it was a special day for me, on Friday, as most of you know. It was my birthday! Needless to day, aside from the fact I was at work, it was lovely! Actually, the work part was as good, too! My colleagues were amazing, and I left work feeling so loved. At home that feeling continued. My dining room table is filled with cards, and I was even sent one from my own school, as I am a part of the Old Girls Association there!
  • If we were having chai I’d say that we spent Sunday going out to lunch, as well as heading to the in-laws to cut a belated birthday cake, followed by much ironing and getting the kids ready for school/Sixth form, today!
  • If we were having chai I’d leave you with my ever present furbaby, Sonu Singh, curled up on Sunday morning, beside me, keeping me company as I read!
Bitmoji Image

This week, well, it’s time to welcome those little lovelies into my classroom for the year, as well as prepare all manner of other documents, ready for this academic year. The kids are both in school as of today, so a semblance of normality should settle, now… here’s hoping!

And while you’re here, did you sign up for my mailing list? I am in the middle of writing an exclusive Chickpea Curry Lit story for my subscribers, and there will be news, tips and even recipes! You know you want to join… go on! Click the pic below to sign up!

30 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jennie
    Sep 07, 2021 @ 03:00:37

    Ritu, you had quite a set of disasters. I think the phone behind the radiator after no water and electricity would have done me in. Sending you my best wishes for the start of the school year.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Marje @ Kyrosmagica
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 20:51:09

    Hope you have a good term Ritu. Can’t believe it is my last week at work! Finish on Friday… getting closer, this no more day job future! Can’t wait but also a bit apprehensive.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Erika
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 19:43:26

    Sounds like your Tuesday was a real challenge, sis! Glad all is well again.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. OIKOS™- Art, Books & more
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 17:43:06

    Look, in the picture Sonu has exactly the right behavior, to what happened to you with the water and the electrics. Lol Hey, it seems you have a haunted house, or you had served Sonu’s roast too late. 😉 It couldn’t be a coincidence. I am happy that everything went well at school. Don’t worry, you live on an island. You cannot have a lack of water there. :-)) Best wishes, Sis! xx Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  5. OIKOS™- Art, Books & more
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 17:38:13


  6. johnrieber
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 17:13:25

    The phrase “belated birthday cake” just says that the celebration couldn’t be contained in a single day! Another busy week for you to be sure!

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Canuck Carl
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 15:02:05

    Happy birthday to you for last Friday. That was a quite a bit of a rough patch. No water, no hydro, internet issues etc. Hope your school year goes really well. Thank you for teaching. 😀🙏

    Liked by 1 person


  8. edwardky2
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 11:32:04

    Reblogged this on Ed;s Site..

    Liked by 1 person


  9. CJ
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 09:36:27

    Isn’t it funny how all the disasters sort of clump together?!! I often find that is the case. I started off last Friday 13th thinking what rubbish superstition is and how I was going to have a great day. Literally everything went wrong. Well done Lil Man, he seems to be doing really well at cricket at the moment. I had two days of watching cricket this weekend. A big final lost yesterday, which was a shame, and I also got stung by a wasp so was awake half the night in pain. I have given in and taken painkillers and an antihistamine this morning. School starts for mine tomorrow, and I am hoping to get LOTS of work done once peace descends. I hope you have a good week.

    Liked by 1 person


  10. niasunset
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 07:49:04

    Good Morning Dear Ritu, teachers are always so busy but in this pandemic situation it seems that much more… Details and details… This week, today our schools opened too. “The kids are both in school as of today, so a semblance of normality should settle, now… here’s hoping!” ah dearest, semblance of normality should settle, now… I wish too. Have a nice week and school days, Blessing and Happiness to you all, and sure to your lovely cat too, Thank you, Love, nia

    Liked by 1 person


  11. CarolCooks2
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 06:49:32

    Oh dear ladies there must have been a worldwide conspiracy going on… we had a day with no water we woke to no water and it finally came on at 6.30 in the evening..but a whole weekend and no electricity must have been an even worse nightmare sounds like of lightly…:)

    Liked by 1 person


  12. robertawrites235681907
    Sep 06, 2021 @ 05:32:43

    Hi Ritu, I share you pain about no water. Last weekend, we had none from 10.30am on Friday until 4pm on Monday. It was terrible with me drawing buckets of water from the swimming pool to flush the toilets. And I threw my back out. Oh yes, I share your pain. That followed by no electricity is horrible. Poor you. I hope this weekend is better.

    Liked by 2 people


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