OMG!!! CBA Again!!!!! I am Thunderstruck, Once More!!!

This week has truly been phenomenal!!!!! All these awards, I hit 700 WP followers, 150 FB likes on my page, Twitter has gone a little crazy… Among other things, I have OVER 1000 followers!!!! And hit the 25,000+ views mark too!!!

So here was lil oil me, browsing my beloved WP when another award slipped in!

This time the Creative Blogger Award has been given to me by Aayusi. Thank you so much!!!! It means a huge amount to be thought of!! Please, my lovely readers, check her blog out too!

The rules are:

State five facts about you.

Nominate other bloggers.

Tell them you nominated them!

Five Facts About me… As per Lil Princess

  1. Mummy has a wobbly tummy… gee thanks!
  2. Mummy and me have the same hair, but hers is shorter… mummy, can I cut my hair too? (No!)
  3. Mummy loves arts and craft with me, especially the tidying up! (Not!)
  4. Mummy hugs the best!
  5. Mummy says all girls don’t fart, we all smell like flowers… boys don’t, though, they are stinky! (agreed!)

My Nominations are…

Gabriel To Earth
Gales Mind
The V-Pub

Then… Well, I hadn’t finished this post when Crash! Bang! Thunder Boomed!

From my wonderful Blog Sister Erica Kind!!!
What is going on this week??!!
I am speechless! Utterly! Thank you so much Erica! Please peeps, if there was one spot left on your blogs to follow list, I’d recommend hers… What you waiting for??? Go! Check it out!!!

What you can do with the award?

Post it on your blog
Grant other bloggers with the award

What you can’t do with the award?

Abuse or misuse the logo
Claim that it’s your own handmade logo

What you should do after receiving award:

Enjoy the award
At least give thanks via comments and likes and/or mentioning the blog who gave the award.
Mention your purpose in blogging

My Nominations
Sunset Dragon

My purpose in blogging is simple… to be able to write, and to share my thoughts with others, and in turn to be able to spread a little happiness and a smile here and there!

Thank you again to my two nominators, I am indebted to you! And to those I have nominated, please don’t feel obliged to accept, its just my way of showing appreciation for your work! 🙂

My interactive peeps!