One Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – Cat’n’Bird

“I can see you…” Say’s Cat to Bird, and Bird to Cat…


This is what they do, spend time staring at each other! Strange creatures, but we do love em!

For Linda’s #1LinerWeds Challenge.

Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 135


“When I look into the eyes of an animal I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I see a soul.” AD Williams

Thanks for this one Spidey!

It fits in with the fact that our family has just increased by two new beings, and four new feet/claws!

The intention was not to go and buy a new pet(s) but seeing those two feathery beauties yesterday, I felt a connection straight away.

The parrotlets, Heer and Ranjha, who have now joined our menagerie, were sat on a perch surrounded by squalking budgies, canaries and zebra finches. They groomed each other, and snuggled up together, flying around a little then settling down, quietly ‘talking’ to one another.

One look at them and I felt a connection.

We went away, and something pulled us to come back.

The next thing, they were in the car with us on the way home!

It was the same with Hubby Dearest and Sonu Singh, our furbaby… even though he wasn’t really a ‘cat-person’, something clicked when he saw the photo of this ginger kitten, and he just had to bring him ‘home’!

Like he became my third child, I can already feel these two becoming my feathered offspring too!

Right, I’d better go and check the cage, Sonu has been rather interested in his feathered siblings…




Have a great Sunday Peeps!


Meet The New Additions To Our Family!

We went out today to get some issues with hardware sorted. One Kindle Fire had broken, and one iPad was not switching on. My darling Hubby Dearest has the gift of the gab and can usually get what he’s after!

We also needed to buy football boots for Lil Princess who is starting football training this week.

Never thought we’d come home with two additions that were alive, rather than two new electrical devices!


What could it be?!

Meet Heer (the blue girl) and Ranhja (the green boy), our two new parrotlets!  They are six months old and pretty much fully grown.

And what of our fur-baby Sonu Singh?


Sonu Singh thinks I’m his bed!


Well, he was intrigued! What were these funny little flying things that were chirruping away?


What’s going on??

He came over to take a closer look too…


Who ARE you!?

I tried to get the phone into the cage for a closer look… and he was there in the background too!


I can see you…

They are pretty little things, a fledgling couple who could, if we decide to, us a nest box to mate and lay eggs!

How did we end up with them?

Well, we popped into a pet shop that just caught our eye as we wandered around the shopping centre, and the next thing you know, I saw these two, and they just melted my heart. They aren’t too big, the size of budgies, and they were cuddled up together in a perch.

I fell in love.

And Hubby Dearest took full advantage of my soft spot! If he had his way we;d have dogs, rabbits, a tortoise, chickens, a full menagerie!

So, after walking around the shops we ended up back there and left a bit financially lighter, but fuller in the family way!

Here they are, settling in to their new home!

Now to the names… Why Heer and Ranjha?

Well, like Sonu Singh got his Punjabi name, living in a Punjabi family, I needed an ethnic pairing for these two too!

Love stories always seem so tragic in our culture, and there is a story of Heer Ranjha. Heer a girl from a rich family, and Ranjha a son of a farmer, fall in love, and like Romeo and Juliet, they die trying to keep their love alive.

Image result for heer ranjha

Heer Ranhja

Here’s hoping the tragic ending is not synonymous to the names!

But don’t worry, we won’t be forgetting Sonu Singh, he’ll still be on my bed every night commanding attention!


Naughty cat, sticking his tongue out!

And FYI, we got the football boots, a refund for the Kindle… the iPad is a To Be Continued saga!

I’ll keep you posted on the continuing saga of our furry/feathered family Peeps!

My interactive peeps!