East West Chicken Biryani Ritu Style – Recipe


Now I know there are nights when you want a quick, filling meal, and here’s one I made tonight in just three quarters of an hour or so.


1 cup Basmati rice

2 cups water

2 diced chicken breasts

2 tablespoons natural yoghurt

1 tablespoon Olive oil

Medium knob of butter

1 teaspoon whole cumin seeds

1 fresh chilli

1 inch ginger, minced

1 clove garlic

1 medium onion, diced

Salt to taste

1 teaspoon Garam Masala

15-20 button mushrooms, halved

1 carrot, peeled and diced

10 cherry tomatoes, halved

Handful of tenders tem broccoli florets

Handful of green beans


  1. Soak rice in warm water and set to one side.
  2. Melt butter and oil in a large wok or pan.
  3. Once melted, add cumin seed. Once these sizzle, add onion and cook off til softened and golden brown.
  4. Add garlic, ginger and chilli and cook for a couple of minutes.
  5. Add chicken, and when the chicken is starting to cook, add the yoghurt.
  6. Here, add the various vegetables and stir.
  7. Add the garam masala and salt to taste.
  8. Once the chicken is cooked, drain the rice that was soaking, and add to the pan.
  9. Add the 2 cups of water.
  10. Cook on a very low heat until the water is absorbed. Don’t stir too often as it can become a mushy pile instead! But take care that it doesn’t stick and burn at the bottom!

Enjoy, as I did above, with yoghurt, or a salad side!

You can vary the vegetables, add peppers, sweetcorn, whatever takes your fancy!

My interactive peeps!