New Author Website

So… It’s getting a bit closer to being real now this whole author malarkey.

The book is in editing mode, I have even been in touch with cover designers…

And I thought, why not go the whole hog…

I’ve set up a FaceBook page, (You can follow if you want) here!

Then I changed my Instagram handle to @ritubhathalwrites and my Twitter now reads @RituBhathal.

And I’ve even set up a fresh author blog!

I would be honoured if you could follow the new blog where I intend to post all the details of my writing journey from now on, and I shall leave my writing challenges and the Chai updates etc… on my faithful But I Smile Anyway site.

So here it is…

Ritu Bhathal

And I even have a logo!

Thank you all in advance. You don’t know the invaluable support you have provided me with over the years. To think, five years ago, I didn’t even know what a blog was… and here I am with TWO now!

My interactive peeps!