Chai And A Chat #247 #ChaiAndAChat

Good morning, Peeps! I’m still at school today but tomorrow, we finish, officially, so I am taking each day as it comes right now.

My Chai is ready. Have you got a drink?

  • If we were having chai, I would tell you that last week was a super busy one. There is always so much to do at the end of the year, and even though we have got data and reports out of the way, we still have other paperwork that needs completing, as well as things to get ready for September. All this we need to do, keeping in mind that we still have a class of children who are pretty exhausted but need to keep learning while they are with us. So it’s been a chilled week in terms of planning for us, but fraught as we keep the children in check.
  • If we were having chai, I would mention that the emotion I know we will feel on Tuesday as we wave goodbye to our classes began building last week, as the Year 6 children had their leaver’s assembly and then their party on Friday evening. They are an extra special class for me, as they were my first ever Nursery class. So I have watched a lot of them grow over the last eight years. Some are taller than one, even though they are only eleven! There were tears and lots of hugs, as well as touching comments from parents too. Nothing will change my thinking that each year I have to create a new section in my heart for the new pupils, who will find their place there alongside all the children I have already taught. Some parents even started their gift giving and they have touched us with some of their thoughtful words and gifts. 🙂 We also had a shared lunch on Thursday which was also a little baby shower for three of my colleagues who are expecting over the next couple of months! It was a lovely chance for all the staff to mingle, too, which rarely happens due to our different daily timetables.
  • If we were having chai, I would say that I have been reading plenty as always, because writing does not come easy when I am still in school mode. I have had the honour to read a few books extra early for different author friends of mine, and spent time writing up questions for them to answer when they come to visit for a Book & A Brew post with me a little later in the year!
  • If we were having chai, I’d jump back to the writing and say that I do have a plan of sorts once we finish up, and in order to keep me accountable, I created my own little word tracker chart on Canva! You might call it procrastination, but I call it inspiration!
  • If we were having chai, I’d share that Lil Princess is now also on holiday, and she celebrated her first day of summer break by going to watch the Barbie film with her friends! I was a little gutted as I wanted to go and watch it with her, but I am so glad she is stepping out of her comfort zone and going out a little more with her friends. She wasn’t totally enamoured of it, but then she doesn’t always like what everyone else likes, and sitting in a cinema hall for a couple of hours can be too much for her, so she went for a few trips to the loo, and for a snack, to stop herself getting agitated. Still, she went and had fun, and I am proud of her for facing some of her anxieties to do this.
  • If we were having chai, I would bring it back to Sonu Singh. This week I had to get the clippers out and trip his pointy claws because every time he would come to us to knead our tummies or anything, he was catching on our clothes and the bedsheets. However, claw cutting is not his favourite thing. I am very gentle, I promise, but from a young age, he has hated it. In fact, when he was a kitten, there was a day when he saw the clippers on my bed and realised what I was about to do. I turned my back and he knocked them off the bed and was off down the stairs, trying to knock them down each step. I think he wanted to go and hide them! Cheeky little so and so! Still, it was time for that event n Sunday, and he rewarded me with a gentle biting session! No owners were harmed, honestly!

heart mug

Two days to go, then I can breathe, kind of. I am still seeing my workmates on Wednesday as we have a leaving-do to attend, as well as being back in Gravesend on Thursday, too, because Lil Princess is meeting a friend, and I need to take Lil Man and my in-laws out shopping, too! Friday, we have an orthodontic appointment, and on Saturday there will be cricket, followed by a baby shower for one of my colleagues. Somehow, I will squeeze words in, too, I hope!

And while you’re here, did you sign up for my mailing list? I am in the middle of writing an exclusive Chickpea Curry Lit story for my subscribers, and there will be news, tips and even recipes! You know you want to join… go on! Click the pic below to sign up!

35 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. CJ
    Jul 29, 2023 @ 15:32:18

    Phew, you are busy! But I hope you are relaxing into the long summer holidays now. Good luck with the word count. I am in editing mode at the moment when it comes to fiction, which I am finding very hard. Where to start???! I can well imagine how tricky it is to clip cat claws. I have tackled rabbit and guinea pig in the past, but I leave the dog to the groomer. He does not like people to do things to him 🙂 The groomer has a special table and harnesses and there is no escape. Have a lovely weekend, CJ xx

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Jul 29, 2023 @ 15:49:49

      Thanks, CJ! The holds a might sound long, but it feels like they will be speeding along!
      I’ve seen the harnesses in groomers… Was very tempted but we’ve worked out a way to handle the Sonu Claws!



  2. robbiesinspiration
    Jul 28, 2023 @ 13:38:23

    Hi Ritu, enjoy your break and I hope you get lots of writing done. Your daughter seems to have similar anxiety issues to Michael. He has been going to friend’s houses for the first time this year.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Jennie
    Jul 26, 2023 @ 00:52:03

    I have been away visiting family and friends, so I’m late catching up. I know today was a HUGE day for you, especially with your first class graduating after many years. 😍

    Liked by 1 person


  4. 100 Country Trek
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 21:17:29

    Thanks for sharing your wonderful break .Anita

    Liked by 1 person


  5. willowdot21
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 20:05:55

    You are so busy as ever Sis 💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person


  6. OIKOS™- Art, Books & more
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 16:19:58

    Hi, Sis! Best wishes for the rest of this term. It seems you had the efforts, and i the corresponding tiredness. I missed so much of your postings, and i promise to follow them up. Have a peaceful week, also with the softened Sonu! xx Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Sadje
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 15:40:35

    All the best for the end of the term.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Erika
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 15:02:10

    Haha, my daughter and I will be going to see the movie… although she is quite a bit older than your daughter.

    Liked by 2 people


  9. johnrieber
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 13:46:41

    My son is now a grown up 6’4″ and I tell everyone when he grew taller than me by age 16 I had to say “please” and “thank you” every time I yelled at him!

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Annette Rochelle Aben
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 12:52:57

    You amaze me, Sis. Your heart is larger than life and filled with so much love! ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  11. beth
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 12:20:29

    have a wonderful break

    Liked by 1 person


  12. CarolCooks2
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 09:35:27

    Busy, busy enjoy your break we are off to Koh Samui to meet my #1Son who is over from the UK 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  13. Destiny
    Jul 24, 2023 @ 07:24:24

    enjoy your break, Ritu 🤍

    Liked by 1 person


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