Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku Challenge – #67 Call & Cheer


Monday arrives, and so does the weekly haiku challenge set by our dear Ronovan.
Please check out his challenge here.
This week the prompt words are Call & Cheer.

Can I say before I write, I am not feeling too ‘cheery’ at the moment, due to some sad personal news. The only ‘calls’ I had, held sadness…

If this colours the way I think about my haiku, I apologise…


Gone – Tanka

I call out to you
As you seem to be floating
Far away from me
It hits me, like a bullet
Happiness evaporates


You left me then. Gone
No word to say you were off.
I feel so empty
Knowing that I shall not see
Your cheery face anymore…

Ritu 2015

I shall add another, more light hearted one that I also penned…

Last Orders – Haiku

The barman calls time
Then changes his mind… Lock In!
Cheers erupt all round!

Ritu 2015

But I Smile Anyway...

My interactive peeps!