#Blogmas2018 Ritu’s Blog Tips #7

Day 7!

My muse, my tea my workstation!

Plan and schedule!

We are not supermen/women… It is not easy to blog daily/weekly/monthly with all the rest of our responsibilities (for most, of us, anyway!)

It is important to have some semblance of routine on your blog. Your regular readers will come to expect certain things from you.

If you know you are going to be busy, use the scheduling tools that are out there. I am on WordPress and I often schedule posts that I have been able to write across a few days, as a lot readers find it a bit much to have several posts from the same blogger on one day.

Create some sort of timetable for what you may be posting, and when. Then try to stick to it.

And sharing is also important.

Set up your sharing options on your blog ( I know WordPress have this fuction). Link your Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc. pages to your blog and your posts will automatically share there for you, as you publish them.

All these different Social Media sites offer you a fresh audience – use them ! 

My interactive peeps!