Just a funny reminder that I’m still clumsy! (Oh, and a life lesson tagged onto the end!)


And I am so skilled!


At the present I have a cut on my leg, because even though I knew it was there, I scraped against broken glass in a bin liner, that had been wrapped up, mind you, yet I still managed! Don’t worry though, it isn’t too bad!

And a bruise on my hip, as I walked into a door handle whilst back home! Pops was following me, actually telling me to calm down, as the kids were being really brattish, and after controlling myself, I had had a go at them.  He was me holding my hip, and grimacing.  After asking me what was the matter, he said, “were you still angry when that happened?” Yup, I had been extremely frustrated with the sprogs, and was so busy trying to control my temper that I walked into a door! “Well, beta, this is what happens when you don’t count to 10 first.  You must relax your mind, and try not to think angrily first.  I know, I was the same as a youngster, it took me many years to learn this, but you lose so much when you act in anger.  Try and breathe deeply, before reacting to anything.”

And you know, he is right.  And I know this well enough, I am always saying the same to my son who is a peaceful creature, but can flip at the flick of a switch, and his anger can be scary… I say to him

“Think about reaction, before you action.”

He is great at spur of the moment things, which then cause him to get told off, that he knows were the wrong reactions, but, like us all, he realises, in hindsight, that would have been the wrong choice.

I am trying to practice what I preach.  It’s harder as an adult to change your way of thinking, but if I can make him, and Lil Princess, understand these things as children, I hope it will help them in the future.

32 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. amommasview
    Aug 13, 2015 @ 04:31:15

    I hear ya sis! It’s so hard to be a good example and sometimes I so totally see me in the reactions of my children. And you know that they sometimes tell me that I do exactly the same thing? It’s hard to keep that under control and it’s interesting to see it happen in our kids and how much we don’t like that reaction. But still struggle to keep it under control in us…

    Liked by 1 person


  2. wafflemethis
    Aug 13, 2015 @ 01:19:25

    How are we gonna keep you in one piece☺

    Liked by 1 person


  3. edwinasepisodes
    Aug 12, 2015 @ 20:21:18

    I too am pretty clumsy as you know and sometimes I just set off a chain reaction of events when I am tired or angry as it becomes worse!
    Hope you are starting to feel better xx

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Janice
    Aug 12, 2015 @ 17:04:52

    Your children have a great Mom. I’ve heard that if you are aware of reactions that’s more than half the battle. I hope so, because I still get carried away..loved your post.

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Chris White
    Aug 12, 2015 @ 13:28:02

    Watkins says it sounds like you should have your very own accident book!! 😀😯

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Jim
    Aug 12, 2015 @ 13:15:16

    ya think maybe that door was karma coming to pay you a visit??? just saying. 😉

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Erika Kind
    Aug 12, 2015 @ 13:14:34

    Your pop is a really wise man and that is why he is so peaceful. If we are not in the Now… sh… happens! Btw…. I totally hear you!

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Fourth Generation Farmgirl
    Aug 12, 2015 @ 12:44:57

    It’s definitely an important lesson, but one that’s challenging to master. Great post, Ritu! Hope your hip feels better. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


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