
Yesterday I took my class to the seaside for a family day out. It was lovely, aside from one unpleasant incident. The weather was pleasant, the children and parents were happy, and I got to eat ice cream, always a good thing!

One of the children caught a crab. She was so excited, she ferried this thing around in a bucket for hours!


As we neared the time to get the train home, we encouraged her to let it go back in the sea. She’s a good girl, and went off with mummy, no problem, and found a safe place to let it go… only for it to promptly be eaten by a seagull that was hovering!

Nature’s way, I know that, but not nice for her to see it close up, like that!

Anyway, we were on the platform, waiting for our train, and her mum came to me. “We have a stowaway!” I wasn’t sure what she meant, but was soon shown what she meant. deep in one of the little turrets of her bucket, there was still sand lodged, and in that sand was a teeny little baby crab!

Mummy didn’t know what to do with it, so she took it home, then sent it in to us at Nursery today!

What are we to do with a baby crab? No sea water for him, not tank to keep him… the safest place, we decided, would be the Promenade, though it is not salt water… it’s the closest thing.

But, me being me, I had to bring it home to show my children!

Here is Cyril the Crab!


Excuse the lined hands, but isn’t he teeny, and cute!


Look at his little face!

I’m keeping him for another day, so Lil Man gets to meet him, then we will set him free.

My interactive peeps!