One Liner Wednesday #1LinerWeds – Assumptions

‘It’s not always as bad as you think!”

Ritu 2021

For Linda’s #1LinerWeds Challenge

One Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – Health Check

Please don’t tell me I’m overweight – I already know that!

Ritu 2019

A little background – the NHS are offering 5 yearly health checks for 40- 74 year olds. What is it?

The NHS Health check will assess your risks of:

And advise you on how to live a better, and healthier life.

I know my Pops has heart disease in his family, it runs high…

Mum and Pops are both borderline diabetic…

Kidney disease and stroke, not too sure.

But I know they will say “Erm, maybe try and lose a few pounds, and trim some inches off that waist.”

Don’t they know I’m trying?!

Still, let’s see what they say, I’m sat here speculating!

If you are in the UK and aged between 40-74, click here to find out how to get yours.


For Linda’s #1LinerWeds challenge.

One Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – Bananarama

“It ain’t what you do, it’s the way that you do it.”

Bananarama & Fun Boy Three

Just because!


For Linda’s #1LinerWeds challenge.

One Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds –

“There’s no harder patient than a grown male one…”


It’s Wednesday, and after 2 days of hospitals, xrays and orthopaedic drs, it has been confirmed that Hubby Dearest has a partially ruptured achilles tendon… that means 3 months in plaster…

Prayers for hom now would be welcome, and more for me, coping with said patient!


For Linda’s #1LinerWeds Challenge

One Liner Wednesday #1LinerWeds – They’re Back!

“No matter what peole say about in-laws, I gotta say mine are pretty special.”


Finally, after 6 weeks, they are due back. Tonight.

And much as it is lovely to be ourselves for a while, we all miss them so much when they disappear for 6 weeks!

So welcome back Mum and Dad!


For Linda’s #1LinerWeds challenge!

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