Book Review – Do Not Wash Hands In Plates: Elephant frenzy, parathas, temples, palaces, monkeys…and the kindness of Indian strangers – Barb Taub

Last year at the Bloggers Bash, I was lucky enough to meet many wonderful bloggers, and Barb Taub was one of them. I was even more happy to have won a competition of hers where I was given a custom made bracelet to go with her new book in the Null City series.

She is hilarious in her blog posts, and I highly recommend a visit over there for many giggles!

I found that she had written a travel book about her trip to India, Do Not Wash Hands In Plates: Elephant frenzy, parathas, temples, palaces, monkeys…and the kindness of Indian strangers , and well, I just had to buy it! It has taken me a while to get round to reading it, but read it I have, and oh what fun!!!

Do Not Wash Hands In Plates: Elephant frenzy, parathas, temples, palaces, monkeys...and the kindness of Indian strangers by [Taub, Barb]

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

What a delicious recount of what was a most memorable trip to India by Barb Taub and her friends. Being an Indian myself, I relished in the thoughts of many a situation that we consider normal, but which, for Taub, would have been most alien!
Saying that, as an British Indian, I have seen far less of my Motherland than Taub and her friends!
Taub’s recounts are hilarious, and each page is peppered with the delicacies that they encountered along the way, proving, once and for all, that India is one of the most hospitable countries out there, with an abundance of yummy food at every corner, literally. Parathas…? YUM!”
Reading about how they encountered the driving there (I too travel in a car with my fingers in front of my eyes when we visit family there!) and crossing roads in busy Mumbai (same in Delhi and Ludhiana!) brought back funny memories of past trips.
If you are looking for a quick pick me up, with laughter at every turn, this is your book!

Buy your copy here!

My interactive peeps!