#TikTok Drain #Poetry!

I haven’t penned a poem for a while, but something inspired me today, and here it is… on TikTok, for you. If you are a Tiktoker, do follow me on there, otherwise, just enjoy my poetic musings!

I’ve found another wormhole
Another drain on my time
I can’t believe it’s happened
So I thought I’d write a rhyme

Those kids, they made me do it
Said, go on Mum, it’ll be fun
So I logged in, started scrolling
And slowly I became one

One of those Tiktokers
Lip synching to silly sounds
Trying to match the dance moves
On the trending clips I found

But, back then in lockdown
I kept my privacy
Only sharing videos
With those I trust, you see.

Then life got hectic, so I stopped
Deleted my account
Until the call for Booktok
Grew loud, there was no doubt

Time for me to jump back on
And do it for my book
For a way to get promotion
New readers I could hook

I started out pretty well
A couple of cute videos
Followed some other authors
and booktokers that I chose

Then I started to scroll again
FYP calling me
Silly sounds and dances
But something more, you see

I found all sorts of communities
Browntok, queertok, cooktok
Watching listening learning
Snippet clips that really rock

I learned how knowledgeable people are
But also just how biased
I saw how creators responded
They didn’t sit there all quiet

One video led to another
And soon an hour passed
Jeez, I could have written words
I hold my phone, aghast

Tiktok, I do love you so
But you’re taking me away
From the very reason I’m here
TO write, not watch and play!

And, an aside, those kids 
I mentioned before
They tell me I’m too old for this
Well, that I will ignore

I find myself peppering my daily life
With the latest trending sounds
A little dance here, a soundbite there
While my kids try to shut me down

Because, although it is a drain
A little Tiktok fun
And getting some more followers
Is grand… will you become one?

(Tiktok obsessed) Ritu 2022

My interactive peeps!