#BookReview – Time To Lie by Phil Taylor

Hey Peeps!

It’s me, back with another review for a book by one of my blog buddies!

Phil Taylor

This time it’s Phil Taylor who gets the Ritu Review Treatment!

Time to Lie (Landon Bridges' Story Book 1) by [Taylor, Phil]

I treated myself to this book on my birthday last year… the 3rd September, and it has been patiently waiting for its place to come as I work my way through my To Be Read pile… Which happened to be the Easter weekend!

First, the blurb…

Remember that time you dated that complete nutcase and said to yourself, I wish Future Me would have come back and warned me about this. Remember when you and your drunk friends said, If it’s such a bad idea, someone would come back from the future and stop us, right before it blew up in your face and got you in trouble? It would be great to have someone from the future to guide your life, wouldn’t it?

Landon Bridges’ life hasn’t always been perfect, but now he’s in college and determined to make a fresh start and transform himself from high school geek to college chic…well less geeky guy. He’s finally attained his life-long goal of studying physics in college under a renowned professor. He’s met the girl of his dreams and made friends with some of the cool frat guys. Things are going great, until He shows up.

A mysterious stranger intervenes to help Landon out of a terrible, possibly life changing situation, but what does he want? Why does he keep showing up? Who is he? Landon’s esteemed professor suddenly seems like a flake. Landon’s briefly idyllic college world seems to be spinning out of control. Landon needs to control his world and in the process of regaining his sanity and his grip on reality, he discovers that he has talents and allies that he never imagined. But is what they’re telling him the truth?

The truth is just the lie we’ve chosen to believe, and yours may be different than mine.

So, a book all about time travel – not usually my thing but I have to be honest with you, since I started blogging, I have discovered that there are a huge amount of genres out there that I haven’t explored, so I can’t say I don’t like, if I haven’t tried! I am already a YA Fiction convert, why not try a little science fiction, peppered with some comedic interludes and romance too?

What did I think?

Well, read the review for yourself!


I’ve just finished Phil Taylor’s Time To Lie, and I’m not gonna lie… I really enjoyed it!
Took me a little while to totally get into it, but that was just because I was trying to get my head around the whole Time Travel thing… But once things clicked in my head, I was there!
Landon Bridges is a nerdy kid who’s had a tough childhood after losing his dad… But he’s off to college to better his life… until his meeting with an esteemed, but kooky, physics professor, and the prospect of time travel. Seriously, if you knew how to go back in time, what would you change, and how would it change you?
There’s love, there’s drama, there’s humour. And there are sequels to come too, which I am eagerly waiting for!

Amazon review: here

GoodReads review: here

And my rating?  ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

C’mon Phil… when’s the next one out? (Not putting pressure on you or anything…!)

My interactive peeps!