Carrot Ranch Flash Fiction Rodeo Challenge 5 – To Love and Honour #FFRodeo #Twitterflash

So, I am trying my hand at the fifth challenge by the Carrot Ranchers for their Flash Fiction Rodeo!

There are many rules and regulations, but the essence is a story told in eleven tweets. with only nine words per sentence, so 99 words. And the hash tags #FFRodeo and #Twitterflash must be in each tweet too!

Character limits… word limits… tweet limits! Phew! But I did it! Here goes!

P.S. – These are interactive tweets… you can like, etc from here!!!

Now let me tell you an age-old story today.
One where boy loves girl and girl loves boy.
But their love is forbidden: their families sworn enemies.
Meet Ameena, a Muslim girl, and Jas, a Sikh.
Thrown together by fate: in a broken down elevator.
Hours spent in close proximity; attraction begins to bloom
Clandestine meetings in the months that follow, feeding obsessions.
Disaster strikes when they are discovered by their families.
A hastily arranged marriage for Ameena, thwarted by Jas.
Both families at war; lives cut short; honour killings.
Two hearts, one soul, forever beating to one rhythm.

My interactive peeps!