Chai And A Chat #56 #ChaiAndAChat

Happy Monday to you all! I hope your week treated you well. Here’s my half term update!

  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you that, though it was half term, that doesn’t meal total rest for me… I must be really wicked! It was a fun, jam-packed one though!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d start off by saying that after 118 redials over half an hour, first thing on Monday morning, I managed to get through to the doctor and got a doctor’s appointment for 3.40pm that day. The doctor was baffled, and asked all the questions I’d expect, regarding sleep patterns, diet, stress at work or home, sudden weight loss (I wish!) etc, and ended up sending me for a whole host of blood tests to check pretty much everything he could… So off I went on Tuesday morning, all prepared for the wait, as I had a fasting blood test within all the others. It didn’t take as long as I expected, thankfully, so I was home within half an hour. I called up on Friday to see whether the results were back, and they all appear to have come back clear… so the reason for my tiredness is still a mystery. It’s a good thing I still kept that Friday appointment on the 1st November. I’ll be back to find out if the Dr has any more bright ideas.
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you that the rest of Tuesday was spent finishing off bits and bobs in my classroom, ready for next week, and then packing for our trip to Birmingham, to see Pops and Mum. I couldn’t wait!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d say that the journey was pretty smooth, on our way to Brum, for a change, and we got there within the 3 hours. The kids always want to go swimming there, so that was the first thing we ticked off our list of things to do! Then it was a chilled dinner at home. Thursday morning was a great time, where we ended up going through some of Mum’s old outfits. Lil Princess loved trying things on! And Lil Man did not want to be left behind. Mum found her brother’s old things too, old pullovers, pens and instruments from the 60’s when he was over here studying for a PhD! It is wonderful to look at these things, marvelling at how perfectly things have been kept, for so many years, so they still look like new!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you that we then went shopping in Solihull which is where I went to school. I was also hoping to meet my dear blog pal, Shelley Wilson, and we did indeed manage to catch up for chai (me) and coffee (the rest!) My parents loved meeting her, and I’m sure Shelley can vouch for where my chatterbox nature comes from!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d say that on Friday, we had lunch out, at a local Nando’s and it was a funny trip as there was a server, an English guy, who was obviously taken by my Pops and his turban, so he took it upon himself to pop over to us and let Pops know he had been to a village near Ludhiana (a district in Punjab, India), before disappearing to his job. Then, as we started to eat, he came back and felt the need to sing a snippet of a Bollywood song, telling us he loved it! We got a good giggle from that! After our serenading server, we went to the cinema to watch The Addams Family. It was okay… not the best, but not the worst. (and Pops fell asleep before the film even began – don’t blame him – the adverts were over half and hour long!) The evening was spent with some family visiting, which is always fun!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you that the journey back was far from stressless on Saturday. We woke to heavy rain in Birmingham and so left at 10-30am to give us plenty of time to get back. I still had laundry, shopping and cleaning to do when I got home, what with it being diwali the next day. It was nearing 4pm when we actually arrived back at our house. Nope. not a smooth 3 hours. There was rain, traffic, rain, traffic, accidents, traffic… you get my drift? And I still had to unpack and do the rest upon arriving back home! (Another week off please? Anyone?)
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you that other tham being with Pops and Mum, I also was back to my editing. I have decided to go Indie now, so I need to do those last changes to the MS so I can get ready to launch… ! Eeeeeek!!! And I found plenty of places to sit and write, in Brum, as well as back home. Oh, and somehow I managed to buy anpother notebook, and pen, but they match my MacBook bag, soI think that’s allowed!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d say that after taking Lil Princess to a birthday party, we did our preparations for Diwali on Sunday. A trip to the Gurdwara to pay our respects, plenty of food at the in-laws and then back to the temple to watch fireworks! It was a good day, all
  • If we were sipping that chai together, and possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d tell you that I would love another week off… but alas, that won’t happen! Back to school, my lovelies!
  • d possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d tell you that there is a Halloween school disco to look forward too… I think.
  • If we were sipping that chai together, and possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d mention that we may go to the fireworks at the local prom on Friday too, for Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes night!
  • If we were sipping that chai together, and possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d tell you that I hope the following weekend will be calm and quiet… I think I’dd need it!

Right, that’s me done Peeps! Let me how your week has been.

40 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Rebecca Moon Ruark
    Nov 04, 2019 @ 14:13:55

    Wow–so much excitement, and fireworks! Hope you enjoyed your celebrations. You looked beautiful in the blue scarf/sari, above! We had a nice weekend and my guys have no school today–so no driving for me until later in the day, when I take them to a trampoline place!

    Liked by 1 person


  2. vinnieh
    Oct 30, 2019 @ 17:15:25

    I simply love these kinds of posts

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Michael Ogazie
    Oct 30, 2019 @ 06:54:56

    Great money indeed!

    Liked by 1 person


  4. robbiesinspiration
    Oct 29, 2019 @ 04:46:25

    I am glad to know there is nothing wrong with you physically, Ritu. That is a relief, one always worries about cancer and such things nowadays.

    It sounds like you had a fun time in Birmingham despite the long trip home. I hope your new school week is going well.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Ritu
      Oct 29, 2019 @ 06:52:05

      Thanks Robbie! The first day tired me out!
      I hope the Dr can give me more info or suggestions now. All the blood tests came back clear, but the tiredness is still there..

      Have a great week!

      Liked by 1 person


  5. Rae Reads
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 23:53:55

    Your week sounds as if it were a lovely one. Mine was supposed to be and started out well, but after a really good class on Wednesday, it all went downhill fast!

    Thursday afternoon I was out running errands, and I received a call from my niece in Virginia. For some reason, I knew it was bad news, family news, and to be honest I was fearful for her daughter (my great niece) who is expecting her first baby, a girl.Instead, the “problem” was my brother. He had fallen out of bed while dreaming and trying to get away from some enemy and landed on the nightstand corner. He had a severe concussion, ruined his eye (no hope for any sight in it), and nearly bled out before he came to and was able to call for help. After examination at the hospital and being transferred to a trauma hospital for surgery (none of which he remembers), He was taken to his other daughter’s some 250 miles from his apartment to be looked after until surgery could be done tomorrow, Tuesday the 29th after some of the swelling had gone down from the first one. I had planned to go to the Texas Book Festival in Austin, TX on Saturday the 26th and stay overnight to visit a friend on the 27th.
    Later that day, we got word a close friend had died and her funeral would be Saturday morning. Needless to say, wanting to be on hand for news of my brother and to attend the service, we canceled our Austin plans. Fortunately, we were able to get our deposit on the hotel room back, and our friend understood why we couldn’t make it.
    Saturday night, instead, I watched The Glass Castle with two other book/movie club members, and besides the good movie, the discussion, and excellent company, we pot lucked a lovely meal. I brought home a scrumptious dessert that lasted well into the next day, after trading the remains of the casserole I cooked for it.
    Sunday brought church and football (the Texans) on TV for My Better Half, which freed me up to grade papers, catch up on posting and reading blogs, and generally make good use of “me” time.
    Today, Monday was errands, reading (I finished up two books I had going which involved copying several parts for future reference), cooking (I made two casseroles and froze them, plus thawed and frosted a cake and even baked a pie for breakfast) and working towards Wednesday’s class (it is going to be a good one, if I do say so myself!)
    This brings me to our chat this evening. I am drinking decaffeinated coffee and eating a slice of the pie. After watching Netflix for a while, I’ll take a second shower of the day and call it a night.
    Thanks for sharing your week with me, and thanks for the chat!

    Liked by 3 people


  6. Erika Kind
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 19:30:18

    Glad you had a nice week, sis. Hopefully, it gave you some energy back.💖

    Liked by 1 person


  7. IreneDesign2011
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 19:11:21

    Nice to read about your nice trip to your parents, Ritu.
    Good that you got the doctors time and went for blood tests. The results are not bad, then you would know for now. But good with your next appointment to find out.
    Wish you a new positive week and a hopefully relaxed next weekend.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. syl65
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 14:23:10

    I’m happy you had a good week off and got that Dr appointment in early. I’m sure it was nice to have a break from the daily routine. Have a good week, Sister 🙏🏽💜

    Liked by 1 person


  9. Jennie
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 13:09:47

    Happy Diwali to you, Ritu! How fun to go through all the old artifacts with your kids. I hope the doctor can give you more answers. The good news is that there’s nothing serious. So, keep resting. I know…ha!

    Liked by 1 person


  10. OIKOS™-Publishing
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 11:39:02

    Sounds like a busy, but also wonderful week, Sis! You got many other thoughts, and this in my opinion is best to overcome tiredness. Your uncle’s collection of study items looks great. Isn’t it nice to keep something like this? You just have to show us what outfit you’re celebrating Halloween this year? 😉 Best wishes! Keep cool, keep calm! Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  11. willowdot21
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 10:57:53

    Not as busy as yours Hun 💜💜💜💜, I really enjoy reading your weeks activities 💜💜💜

    Liked by 2 people


  12. Rachael Stray |
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 07:46:52

    Busy as ever Ritu! Love that two of my favourite bloggers has a meet up – lovely. Might you have SAD? Might be worth looking into taking some vitamin D and looking into the different lights that are available. Another blogger friend Chloe (new girl in toon) suffers quite badly from SAD.

    My week was fairly busy. Had some catch ups with my best friends, went to see Little Mix, took Elsie swimming and we did our first let go under the water swim eeek, Elsie went in the big girl part of her pram for the first time, had a lovely crisp autumn walk and visited a special family Halloween festival at a local farm.

    This week we start a new term with a sensory class dressing up for Halloween, getting some tiling done in the kitchen and another swimming lesson.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Ritu
      Oct 28, 2019 @ 08:08:42

      I am already taking Vit D. I don’t think I have SAD because I am not down or depressed either…

      I love seeing your pics of Elsie! ❤



  13. simplywendi
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 06:51:22

    so cool you were able meet up with a blogging friend!

    Liked by 2 people


  14. shelleywilson72
    Oct 28, 2019 @ 06:47:05

    Ha ha, that’s why we all got on so well!! It was lovely to see you and I’m honoured to appear on your fab Chai and a Chat!

    Liked by 2 people


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