Oompfh!! Tidbit Tuesday

I thought I’d treat you to a #tbt post from last year… a bit of a ‘boob’ I made in my youth….

wpid-152010623660.jpegBefore you ask, no, that is not me!

But the lovely lady is wearing something that features in this Tidbit Post!

I decided today to recount a funny episode in my younger life… its not saucy (sorry!) but it was embarrassing, and pretty funny really!

I have always been blessed with, ahem, curves up top, much to the chagrin of some of my flat chested cousins on my paternal side, but hey, I got ’em, and being a good little Indian girl, I wasn’t about to flaunt them, you know, cleavage on show for the world!  Still, growing up, I definitely wanted to make the most of myself, and when they first came out I treated myself to a Wonderbra, and Wonder-ful it was too!  A great support and boost and it enhanced said curves, under clothing.  Yes, I was happy!

Wearing my special enhancing bra one day, I was attending a wedding. I had on a lovely new outfit too, and I was feeling good!  The wedding passed, no problems, then it was the reception.  Party = dancing, and if there is a dance floor, and music, you will find there is usually a Ritu on there too! Today was no different, and I was shaking my Eastern ass to the bhangra beats that were pumping, with my cousins.

One of my much older cousins came to join us, and when I say older I mean much older than me, like my Pops age.  This was a normal occurrence, we all like to party together!  Suddenly, he dipped down to the floor, and came up waving an eye shaped pad, dancing with it, and asking what it was…. and where it had come from.  Well we all shrugged our shoulders, and carried on dancing.

A few moments later, I popped to the ladies, and as I peered down I noticed something…. something eye shaped and padded, peeking out of my neckline. Something that was suspiciously like the ‘thing’ my cousin had been waving around on the dancefloor.

On further investigation, it appeared that Wonderbras have secret compartments where there are these little additional pads of Oompfh! And guess what?  When you naturally have that Oompfh!, then these little pads are obsolete.  So much so that your own Oompfh! actually manages to work them out of their little pockets, and deposits them on the dance floor you have been gracing!  So that’s how one had escaped, and this other one had been caught mid breakout!

Well, needless to say, I didn’t go and claim the rogue Oompfh! pad from my cousin, or wherever it had ended up, and I realised that I didn’t really need Wonderbras, but control bras, to contain the natural Oompfh!

Naughty, natural Oompfh!

Saturday Silliness

Oh do I relate to this one!!!!!

Sports bras do nothing, black eyes are a possible reality, honestly!!!

This is where I envy my flat chested friends!

Or maybe it’s why I don’t do running!!!!!

Friendly Boobs!!!


What kinda boob friend are  you?

Lil Man’s Joke! – Kids Logic Part 15

Lil Man’s become a comedian!

LM: Mum!
Me: Yes?
LM: How do you catch a bra?
Me: I don’t know…
LM: With a Booby Trap!!!!!

Cue loads of giggles from Lil Man and his sister!!!

But I Smile Anyway...

My interactive peeps!