Cottage Cheese Pancakes #Recipe

Cottage Cheese Pancakes

I love pancakes. You already know that. I shared that information yesterday morning!

And in my quest to be healthy, I have tried a few recipes, including Banana Pancakes – recipe here – and Quark Pancakes – recipe here – and more recently, Oat Pancakes – recipe here – and I am always on the search for more!

This week I tried pancakes with cottage cheese – really!!

They were pretty good, you know!

Cottage Cheese pancakes

  • Ingredients



    1. Put in all the ingredients into a blender and mix until smooth.
    2. Fry in a pan with a little oil or butter on low to medium heat.
    3. Flip with a spatula once bubbles start to appear. Cook until both sides are golden brown.


I served with bacon, and agave nectar!

I found the recipe here at Hurry The Food Up.

My interactive peeps!