The Four Stages – #Poetry #Inspired

After a wonderful review of my poetry book, Poetic RITUals, Lucy Mitchell, of BlondeWriteMore blog fame (she is too funny, you must follow her!) she mentioned to me that she had been searching for inspiring pietry aimed at writers and creative types… words that may inspire and help nudge you through the tough writerly moments we go through…

ISn’t that just wonderful? ❤

Now, I can’t magic up a whole book but it got me thinking, and I penned a little Etheree quartet, dedicated to my fave Blonde, Lucy, and all the writers out there!

The Four Stages

Right now
The need to type
I feel them coming
Ideas multiply
Fingers fly across the keys
Story seeds blossom into trees
A book the world will all want to read
Thousands of words reaching a crescendo
It’s gone
I’ve lost it
My story thread
No ideas flow
Inspiration has run dry
All my dreams come crashing down
I’ll never be a best seller
Should I delete the whole sorry lot?
No one will ever want to read this stuff
Just maybe
I can do this
My book could happen
Someone might just like it
Plot twists thicken in my mind
Endings start to come together
Put the book down; get the keyboard out
It’s time to make my book dream come to life
Typing fast
Renewed vigour
Finish is in sight
I almost can’t keep up
Words tumble onto my screen
Loose ends seem to come together
Tying up the story completely
Breathe… and finally type those words… ‘The End’
  Ritu 2019
There is my inspiration for this verse… Lovely Lucy, alongside my dear friend, His Geoffleship!

My interactive peeps!