#JusJoJan – January 25th, 2018 – Prediction

Day twenty-five of #JusJoJan!

I’m going to try to write on each of the prompts!

Today the prompt is:

Your prompt for January 25th 2018, brought to you by Dar, is “Prediction.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Dar at her blog, “Dar’s Words” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link: https://darsword.wordpress.com/


Are you a believer in those who say they can tell the future?

Do you find yourself drawn to your horoscopes in the morning, scanning your sign’s predictions for the day, and trying desperately to match the goings on in your life with whatever has been written in those fifty-odd words?

Maybe you’ve had your cards read, or your palm?

Or perhaps you are the one who pooh-pooh’s those ideas, saying no one can tell the future… a sceptic, who would never believe this.

I’m a bit of both. I read the daily horoscopes with humour, seeing how generally they are written, so they may appeal to pretty much anyone.

Yet, I have a fascination with the more traditional ways of predicting the future too.

I’ve had my astrological charts read by Indian astrologers (not me, my Pops instigated this), my cards read, my palm looked at, my handwriting analysed, and I have even been to a private clairvoyant.

All the readings have been interesting in their own way. Some things that were said to me have come true, some haven’t reared their head…yet. Some were amusing, some eye-opening.

But I don’t ever take these readings as gospel. They are always with a pinch of salt. I know that there is every chance that the person who has read for me, may not be genuine, but equally, I do believe that there is some out there with a true gift, and their words have truth in them.

Obviously, I’m not a psychic, I don’t know who is right and who is wrong, so I collect my predictions, and look over them a while later, seeing who got things right, and who didn’t… As I said, pinch of salt…!

Do you believe in any of the above?

See you tomorrow!

If you want to find a full list of rules and the daily prompts visit here.

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My interactive peeps!