#SoCS – April 23, 2022 – Too/To/Two A Little Celebration Post!

Linda’s SoCS prompt

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “too/to/two.” Use one, use ’em all, bonus points if you use all three. Extra bonus points if you start your post with one. Enjoy!

Two years ago, we were plunged into the awfulness of the pandemic, which meant that we couldn’t celebrate many special days with the family, including my Mum’s 70th birthday.

The lockdown meant I couldn’t go to Birmingham easily, and, quite honestly, working in a school. I didn’t want to, because I could end up taking the virus back to them.

Anywho, another big celebration has come up, today, and we are going to be travelling up to see them today because it is Pops and Mum’s 50th Wedding Anniversary!

Fifty years!

Now, you got to admit, that is quite an achievement.

They are an inspiration to me and many around us, too, and I can only hope that we are in the same position in another thirty years, too!

Please join me in wishing Pops and Mum a wonderful Golden Wedding Anniversary!

My interactive peeps!