#JusJoJan – January 28th, 2018 – Knight

Day twenty-eight of #JusJoJan!

I’m going to try to write on each of the prompts!

Today the prompt is:

Your prompt for January 26th 2018, brought to you by author,  Leta Hawk, is “Knight” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Leta at her blog, “Hawk’s Happenings” to read her post and say hi! Here’s her link: https://letaphawk.wordpress.com


What a great prompt today!

Not least because I spent a good hour yesterday morning talking about Knights to Lil Princess!

Her Literacy homework this weekend comprised of drawing a picture of a knight, male or female, and then writing a character description, both physical and personality to be discussed, for use in a writing project later next week.

I shan’t go into detail with her words, but I had to share her picture.

Lil Princess has recently gone a bit anime crazy. She doesn’t watch them, but loves to draw anime figures, so the knight got the anime treatment too!

So let me present to you, Knight Nyla! (Obviously, she chose an empowering female knight!)


See you tomorrow!

If you want to find a full list of rules and the daily prompts visit here.

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My interactive peeps!