Tuesday Truths


I loved this one when I read it.
We live in too much of a gadget-run life. The reliance on them means we have almost forgotten how to actually converse, and interact with real people!
My parents were at a wedding reception and there were two girls sat on their table, heads down, busy on their phones for ages, giggling intermittently. There was company galore, good music, dancing, food, yet they stayed there. After a while my mum asked what one was doing. She said she was messaging her friend. Mum assumed she was telling a mate about the party, it it turned out that she was sat across from her friend, texting her! They weren’t even talking, though they were sat next to each other!

If there is anything you take from this post, it should be to actually chat to people, meet up with them, and let them know you’re thinking of them… Not just a Facebook like, or a WhatsApp group message… I’m guilty too. But I know I need to reach out, in reality too, not just via Social Media!

Have a lovely day Peeps!

But I Smile Anyway...

My interactive peeps!