Spidey’s Serene Sunday #417 – Picking & Choosing

“You can do anything, but not everything.”

David Allen

Great reminder, Spidey!

Now, I don’t know if it is a perimenopause thing or just extreme tiredness, but right now, I really cannot do everything that I want to be able to do.

I go to work, and I keep the house clean, feed my family, and ensure their well-being is as good as it can be.

I keep in touch with my parents daily and my brother a little less, but still regularly.

What I also want to do is try and exercise, daily.

And write, daily.

And read, daily.

And I want to meet up with friends and have a bit of social life.

But I am finding that I am so tired that I can very often only do a bit of exercise two or three times a week, and it’s not anything strenuous, I admit.

Writing seems to be a thing I am struggling with, because my brain is so filled with other, more pressing issues, plus I am waiting on publisher feedback, and I think it is halting my progress on the third book, in case there are any big changes they want me to make…

The thought of meeting up with loved ones for an evening is wonderful, but again, it’s the energy thing.

So I make sure that if nothing else, I read. And even my reading has slowed down. You guys know me, the fifteen books-a-month type of reader, at my best, alongside writing and everything else.

Right now it can take me 4-5 days to finish a book, but that is because I am falling asleep after a few minutes, or at the maximum, half an hour of reading. I know that still sounds fast to some, but that is not me.

Still, at least I am reading something.

At least I have hit that level of maturity where I know I cannot do everything. Each thing I want to do has its time and place, and it will happen, I am sure. Just not all at once.

(I dunno, maybe I need a change-up in my HRT dosages…)

So, Peeps, are you good at realising when you need to take your foot off the pedal a bit? 😊

My interactive peeps!