One Liner Wednesday – #1LinerWeds – Parenting 101

“If I have to say your name/it again…?”

Ritu and every other parent out there!

Okay, so this isn’t going to be a simple one-liner… is it ever with me?

You read the above.

I’m currently considering the overused line above, that I definitely uttered today, at least three times, in the same situation!

What is it with kids not listening?

And why do I utter these empty threats?

I should really learn.

Saying anything to children of a certain age will gain you nothing.

(Unless you’re promising lots of sweet/TV time [the little uns] or V-Bucks for Fortnite and unlimited access to mobiles [older kids], then they listent o anything you want.)

Yet I still have these battles of wills with my kids, and sometimes my pupils at school.

Am I expecting too much?

Should a child jump as soon as we tell them to do something?

Or is it fine for them to drag their heels, dawdle for as long as they want, then stomp around in a huff when they are late for school?

I mean this morning, I used that quote/phrase to the demon teen Lil Man at least six thousand times, to get him out of bed…

And tonight, I had to repeat myself about the same to tween trouble, Lil Princess just to get her to put her shoes on so we could go home from my in-laws’ place…

And they didn’t rush/hurry/listen.

Yet I am still here, back home, in one piece. Nothing major happened to anyone because we were a few moments later than usual.

But, the point is, shouldn’t they be listening to me/us the first time?

I mentioned empty threats before, because they are.

I admit I tell them I will take phones/internet access away. Or that I will cancel a meet up with their friends.

Yet I don’t actually see it through… the fall out after something like that is just too big for me to deal with after a day at work!

And when they meet their friends, it’s a chance for me to catch up with the mums too, which I don’t get to do often enough!

It’s just easier to nag at them a little longer, endure the stomping and keep on going because the mood they’re in means they will disappear into their bedrooms for an hour after we get home, and I get peace before my sweet(er) children resurface!

So, yeah… that was my one liner!

Written for Linda’s #1LinerWeds prompt.


44 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. niki1k
    Feb 11, 2019 @ 16:53:11

    So today I was doing much in my power to not turn into full blown me- When I have to repeat myself too much” and sure enough as fate would have it, as it does much with me in “my” blog world – I am literally using my calm voice to get my point across about repeating myself, and come across this tab for my son to see with his own eyes-

    The question I asked him- before showing him your tab as he is sitting right next to me to see, that I close a tab and open the next one -“doesn’t it irritate you when you have to repeat yourself?” he answered “yes sometimes”_ ok so why cant you understand how much it frustrates me to have to do it repeatedly

    As you mention in this post – you only have to do it with things they do not want to do. Today like two hours before reading this post, I said just as nice and clear as possible no games, no YouTube, do your I Ready – he rushes do one I Ready for each subject and rushes back to me, I done.

    I said to him – no you are not finish – you just completed what you felt like doing- Now here’s come the test I am getting on videos- I didnt respond –

    I understand no on jumps every time a person speaks but most people period hate to have to repeat themselves. If they(the kids) tell me something and I forgot – Oh gosh mom I told you this – but if I say pick up your shoes more than once I am being a bitch.

    Needless to say at this moment my house is in silence and this is one time I made myself clear without the yelling, the threats, and cliched arguments.

    To my daughter clean that tub I told you clean last night, to my son you have 3 lessons to do you only did one, it may not be what you want to do, but do what you have to do.

    Happy Monday, Have a Great Week of parenting, as my oldest expressed to me “you may want to show that you are tired of arguing while not arguing” Today i believed mission accomplished and Thank You deeply for sharing your experience based on my long ass comment you can see I really needed it.

    Liked by 2 people


  2. thereluctantpoet
    Feb 08, 2019 @ 00:42:52

    Reblogged this on The Reluctant Poet.



  3. coffeefueledbanter
    Feb 07, 2019 @ 18:11:10

    You are definitely not alone.

    Liked by 2 people


  4. John Holton
    Feb 07, 2019 @ 15:39:49

    My mom used to say, “If I have to get up off this chair…”

    Liked by 2 people


  5. syl65
    Feb 07, 2019 @ 14:52:46

    You know they have to test you and see how far they can take you before the wrath of Rituzilla comes down..

    Liked by 2 people


  6. tsepotheview
    Feb 07, 2019 @ 13:54:10

    Parent’s duties is providing guidance to children whether their own or not even though sometimes it might be harder nonetheless it has to be done.

    Liked by 2 people


  7. OIKOS™-Publishing
    Feb 07, 2019 @ 01:44:05

    That is life, Sis! Also lessons for the parents.Sometimes it is not easy to deal with the own will of kids. But this – i think – is the only way making them to great persons. Rethink your own childhood. 🙂 Michael

    Liked by 2 people


  8. joey
    Feb 07, 2019 @ 00:10:06

    Well I think you needed that vent! It’s like that sometimes. You’re not alone.

    Liked by 2 people


  9. Dan Antion
    Feb 06, 2019 @ 23:22:46

    I understand and sympathize, Ritu. On a lighter note, I think you wrote more than me today 😏

    Liked by 2 people


  10. johnrieber
    Feb 06, 2019 @ 22:32:31

    A universal issue for any parent – but think back: did you do this to your parents? Why or why not? I did and why did I? Because I was a bratty teen!

    Liked by 2 people


  11. Erika Kind
    Feb 06, 2019 @ 19:32:05

    They know that there is a world beyond the limits. A time they have to go through as the parents have. It is a “letting go” and a “staying consequent”. They will continue checking out the limits. Lessons for both parties.

    Liked by 3 people


  12. pranabaxom
    Feb 06, 2019 @ 19:25:51

    One liner? Oh yeh. That one month’s absence and bottled up challenges all coming out now😄

    Liked by 2 people


  13. LindaGHill
    Feb 06, 2019 @ 19:24:04

    Empty threats lead to nothing but frustration for only one person: mum. I had to train myself not only to pick my battles, but to choose my words carefully too. It’s hard in the heat of the moment to not utter a threat you’re not prepared to follow through on. It takes practice, but I’m living proof that it can be done.
    Then there’s dealing with the consequences (for you) of having to follow up. Can you say “exhausting”?
    Haha! Good luck, my friend. 😉

    Liked by 2 people


    • Ritu
      Feb 06, 2019 @ 19:29:04

      Thanks Linda!
      I do try to pick my battles… But sometimes I end up battling because of another person’s view, not necessarily my own.
      The joys of extended family!

      Liked by 1 person


  14. willowdot21
    Feb 06, 2019 @ 19:23:25

    It hard being a parent to teens.. unfortunately this evening I have had a nasty reminder that it never gets any easier.💜

    Liked by 2 people


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