Chai And A Chat #43 #ChaiAndAChat

Yo yo yo Peeps! It’s Holiday Ritu in the house! But am I sitting here with my feet up? It’s Ritu, come on… what do you think?

  • If we were sipping chai together I’d say “YESSSS! The holidays are here!” But am I actually making the most of my time off?
  • If we were sipping chai together you would already know that the beginning of the week, we were still in school mode. And it was a crazy busy week at school! On Monday, we had the school Talent Show which was always cute at the beginning with our Reception class entry, this year a dinosaur dance, then it spirals into a strange collection of not quite singing/dancing, magic act/comedy routine! Still, the kids loved it and it was fun.
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you that on Tuesday we had our transition day where all the children go to their new class for the day, and we had our new reception children in for the morning. Another interesting one, but the kids were great, even the ‘interesting’ ones! Then there was a parent meeting – I really don’t like speaking in public, not that you’d know! The evening was Lil Princess’s Leaver’s Prom, which had been hastily organised by two parents, and Kudos to them, they did a fantastic job! The kids loved it, and it was wonderful to see them all relaxed, excited for the future, and looking so grown up!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d tell you that Wednesday I had a full day with my Nursery class where we did lots of playing and practicing songs for their End of Nursery Celebration the next day. It was too warm to let them play outside, so after a few moments of fresh air, we were back in, singing songs and drinking copious amoungs of water! In the evening I spent time getting their little gifts ready for the last day.
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d admit that Thursday was rather emotional… It was Lil Princess’s last day at Primary school, so after a lovely celebration with my morning nursery class, where I melted slightly, as it was the hottest day of the year here, and a few moist eyes as I spoke to parents about how their children had grown and progressed, and then a long assembly to say farewell to some staff members, we had the Year 6 Leavers assembly which is performed to parents. The children usually choose memories from each year and present it in their own unique way, then they are presented with leaving gifts from the school and PTA. This is followed, always, by emotional hugs and tears from the children as it becomes apparent that they are really leaving, and will be off to become the small fish again in their secondary schools, after being the biggies here for the last year. A quick lunch, then we had the afternoon nursery class celebration – more sweat, I kid you not – and finally the schoolw as empty of children. We ended the day with a cream tea celebration in one of the only air conditioned rooms in the school to celebrate the impending births of two of our colleagues babies! It was lovely, but oh my… as I left school my car was unbearably hot… And it was packed with all the amazingly generous gifts that parents and students had given to us as Teacher Appreciation. I am always humbled and grateful. There is never an expectation, and I am always dumbfounded by the generosity.
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d want to share this specific message with you too, that was written in one of my cards. It has made my year. Makes all I do worthwhile. ❤
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d like to tell you that on Friday I put my feet up and did nothing, but no. I was back in school with my kids as they helped me with some hard graft in what will be my new classroom! The caretaker was in there all day too, removing various old shelfing that needed taking out, and putting boards up, taking boards down, making sockets miraculously work again and generally being a superstar. We put up new displays and moved a whole load of furniture around, emptied redundant shelves and brought in the billion boxes of things that I had ben collecting at home. It cetainly looks different now, but there is still so much to do!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d happily say that Saturday and Sunday I did relax. Managed to read a couple of books, and just generally get in to holiday mode for a short while at least… before the craziness of next week kicks in!
  • If we were sipping chai together I’d want to tell you about something rather cute that has been happening in my back garden. You all know about Sonu Singh, our Punjabi cat. Well, next door have a lovely ginger cat too, who is called, most originally, Ginger. He belongs to a couple who live in disability housing. Ginger has never really been able to build a repationship with his owners in the same way that we have with Sonu Singh. He wants to play, but doesn’t really know how, swiping and scratching, yet reaching out for strokes. Anyway, the last few weeks, he has been getting braver at coming over to me, and now, he trots over daily for a stroke, and though he still goes to grab and scratch, he is getting so much better at being gentle. Sonu Singh has been watching with interest and we managed to introduce them (for the second time) with no hissing, and lots of sniffing each other instead. It has been lovely to see, and I think I have an adopted furbaby now too!
  • If we were sipping that chai together, and possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d tell you that this week I’ll still be in school for 3/4 days as the fun of actually trawling through the ‘stuff’ in the classroom needs to be done, as well as putting things in the places I want them to go. There will be no help from the kids as they won’t be able to, but I know Lil Princess wants to help me create my reading corner one day at least… here’s hoping I can post pictures of my new learning space for you all next week!
  • If we were sipping that chai together, and possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d say that once it hits August, I am planning on devoting a couple of hours every day to my WIP. and editing in full flow. Here’s to it being ready to be read by Beta readers before the end of the month. This does mean, however, that I may be a little less available on the blog, as I try and achieve my dream.. but I am not promising I won’t be here, because, well, you know me!
  • If we were sipping that chai together, and possibly reaching for cake or cookies I’d mention that I shall be scheduling some proper mummy time with the kids too, so they don’t feel like the holiday is a flop!

Over and out!

Tell me how your week has been!

32 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jennie
    Aug 03, 2019 @ 13:26:47

    A very busy week, Ritu! Packing up and moving boxes when the year ends is always hard work. How long is your summer vacation? A month? Enjoy!!

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Trackback: Seven Links 8/3/19 Traci Kenworth – Where Genres Collide Traci Kenworth YA Author & Book Blogger
  3. Rachael Stray |
    Jul 30, 2019 @ 10:35:00

    Aw I bet that last day was so emotional for you all! I’m looking forward to seeing your new learning space.

    Liked by 1 person


  4. robbiesinspiration
    Jul 30, 2019 @ 05:14:08

    We are also going on holiday soon, Ritu. On 15 August we will be flying to London and then on to York and Scotland. I am so excited and I won’t be blogging at all over that time as the holiday will be to busy [and I need a break]

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Erika Kind
    Jul 29, 2019 @ 19:45:38

    Awh, it is wonderful that Ginger gets his strokes and social contacts via your home. The two look like a really cool team!

    Liked by 1 person


  6. willowdot21
    Jul 29, 2019 @ 17:08:09

    I hope you get all you want done sis , and that you have some rest and fun coming your way Sis 💜💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person


  7. dearanonymousfriend
    Jul 29, 2019 @ 16:07:24

    what a full and emotional week you have had! My daughter is a pre-school director/teacher and she shared with me her first graduating class from the school she started three years ago. Teachers put so much work and heart into their work and it is not only evident in what you see, but, also in the hearts of the children who always remember you. I got to travel to spend time with Little Man who is now 7. We spent an afternoon in the pool laughing and splashing and jumping in, you haven’t lived until you see a 64 year old Grammy jumping into the pool! Very sunburned, but oh so happy with memories.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. syl65
    Jul 29, 2019 @ 15:32:43

    All teachers should be recognized for the difference they make in children’s lives. That was very wonderful Sister! Me. Sonu looks to be a great ambassador of good cat will 😺 I hope all goes well setting up Your new classroom and that you have a wonderful summer break overall!! 💜

    Liked by 1 person


  9. OIKOS™-Publishing
    Jul 29, 2019 @ 11:57:26

    What another week, including a new relationship for Sonu. 😉 Congratulations to LilPrincess and you too. Well managed. By the way, I think it’s really great that the school does so much motivating things. Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 1 person


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