Chai And A Chat #79 #ChaiAndAChat #CoronaDiaries Week 3

I swear I should be writing week fifteen by now…

  • The week was not only another week in this Lockdown, but the apparent Easter Holidays for the kids, so for the first four days of this week, I had to make sure they were sensible and quiet, for their daddy, who was still working from home. To be honest, it was much easier than I thought, because they were still in bed until past eleven am every morning, and if I hadn’t woken them, they probably would have spent all day in bed! Hubby Dearest would get up, and start working. I would make teas and coffees, and do a little exercise after reading for a bit, before finally waking the kids up. During my reading sessions, my faithful Sonu Singh would accompany me, and sometimes, take control of my Kindle too!
  • We received a lovely parcel as well, one day, from my sister in law at the other house, that had been ordered from Cadbury’s… a huge box filled with Easter treats for the children! How kind! And she told me that they had waited for over an hour and a half, in a virtual queue, on the Cadbury’s website, to get a chance to browse the online store, before being able to place the order… see, these queues are stretching to the World Wide Web too, not just Asda! (Don’t worry, I shall share a picture of all the lovely chocolate, a little while later!
  • I’ve been writing too, which has been amazing! Using both Lizzie Chantree’s writing hour in the mornings, via her Facebook group, and Sacha Black’s Rebel Author live writing sprints, I have managed to add around 5k more words to book two, and done some research, as well as write an article for, a charity, who in their words, do this…

Cysters is a grassroots charity, dedicated to supporting individuals & improving the health, education & welfare of those with reproductive & mental health issues. We aim to educate the public about reproductive health & education so that they can make informed choices around their treatment options & challenge the cultural misogyny behind reproductive health.
  • Then, after a particularly fun, productive evening writing session, labelled Poison and Prose (you guessed it, Sacha invited us to bring along our poison of choice; be it a drink, or a naughty snack!) I ended up downloading Scrivener. If you don’t know what Scrivener is, it is a software to help you with not only the writing of your projects, but enabling you to compile all your research for that project, into one place too. It is so much more than that too, but I am still learning… Still, one great feature is the wordcounter which can be a real help to reach your goals.
  • We’ve also spent plenty of time in the garden, as we were blessed with beautiful weather last week. Along with our daily walks in the gurdwara sports ground. Though, I have to mention that I was a tad vigilante this week. In the grounds we have one of those outdoor gyms. It has been cordonned off, as have all areas like this, because of the risk of contamination. Earlier in the week, as I was walking around, a mother shooed her child into it. He was wearing goalie gloves, but swinging on the bars. As I walked past, I asked him to get off and leave the area as it was closed. He looked at me, ran to his mother and burst into tears! I hastily explained to the mother, who was of Eastern European descent, that the place was closed for health reasons. She mentioned that other people were using it the day before, but understood, and explained to her child. The next day, she was there again, but this time there was a rather muscly man who had gone in to do his ‘training’. I wondered whether I should say anything, then someone behind me, a turbanned man, said something a little loudly, to his own friend, about people taking the mick, and getting the place closed down. In Punjabi, I asked him if he would back me up, if I went and asked the man to go. So I shouted over to the guy. Muscle head ignored me at first, but I carried on (I can be quite persistant when I want) and in the end, he left. The day after, I was on my walk, and there were two more. Really? And this time they were Indian, Sikh, so they should have. been much more respectful, knowing the Gurdwara stance on this issue. As I geared up to say something (A bit nervously,) someone else, from the actual sports club did! Thank goodness. On Sunday, we went as a family, and guess what. There were more people in there. I can’t understand why they don’t understand that if they don’t follow the rules, this one luxury we have of being able to go out once daily, for exercise, will be taken from us too. I made my own comments as I walked past, but these guys weren’t listening. They told another person to s*d off when asked to move. So, I wasn’t successful there, but my blood simmered…
  • In other news, Lil Princess has been very creative, with her drawing, and impressed me with her skills again. What do you think?
  • I’ve cooked plenty, from Shahi Paneer, to chicken soup, to lasagne, and pastry puffs… I can feel weight creeping up, but at least I am being active too! That Fifteen Minute Mile workout has been used many times!
  • Then we get to Easter. The family rose late, as usual, and were extremely happy with their collection of eggs!

So… that has been pretty much this week, in a nutshell. This week, school will reopen again, and we will need to be present, on a rota basis, so I’ll find out soon, which days I am meant to be in.

Oh, and it’s Vaisakhi today… It will be strange this year, not being able to go to the Gurdwara to pay our respects, as it would have been strange for all the Christians yesterday, not to attend church. And the big parade will obviously not happen, though they are live streaming the prayers that will still continue.

How has your week been? Did you have a good, calm Easter?

52 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jennie
    Apr 21, 2020 @ 12:52:44

    You are busy! Having the kids sleep in late is sometimes a welcome relief. And the mother who let her child play in a closed area? Seriously??



  2. eLPy
    Apr 14, 2020 @ 06:50:49

    Yummy eggs! Sounds like your week was quite lovely considering. Sadly I’m not surprised to hear about the people at the park. Still it’s stunning. There’s been thousands, tens of thousands of people in the state & U.S. as a whole presumably, protesting extended stay at home orders. I can’t believe they thought it would end this weekend. Smh… But good for you for standing up at the same time knowing when to have back up & when to back away.

    Scrivener has an app!?

    Good work keeping up the good work!

    Liked by 1 person


  3. Image Earth Travel
    Apr 14, 2020 @ 01:44:34

    Hey Ritu, loved this update and what a kind gesture of the chocolates for your sprogs.
    Sounds like you’re a relentless machine when you’re writing. I’ve never used an app for writing but then again, I’ve never written a novel – sounds daunting… 😉

    Liked by 1 person


  4. johnrieber
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 19:26:36

    I really love that daily word counter app…helps keep you on track for your creative goals! I always say, just write it down, because even if you completely change it, the foundation is now there!

    Liked by 1 person


  5. OIKOS™-Publishing
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 17:43:06

    Wow! LilPrincess is very talented, and Sonu takes it as always. 😉 I can empathize with your husband. Its difficult to work for hours in the own house/ room, if you could distract yourself at home, so much better. In the latter, I have so much experience. 😉 Thank you for pointing to scrivener. Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Marje @ Kyrosmagica
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 16:49:47

    Strange how people still disregard the rules. I can’t fathom it Ritu. All the best, stay safe and well. Marje xxx

    Liked by 1 person


  7. syl65
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 16:33:59

    There are still some who ignore the safety regulations set in place for their own health and safety. All beaches and walking trails have been closed after people continued to gathered there. A fairly quiet Easter weekend here. Have a great week, Sister 💜

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Erika
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 15:47:38

    Wow, LilPrinces is a talent!

    Liked by 1 person


  9. willowdot21
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 12:57:58

    Hope this next week is as good for you all as the week just gone, stay safe and well hugs 💜

    Liked by 1 person


  10. englishwithkirsty
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 10:55:59

    Some people are so selfish, thinking that the rules don’t apply to them. It makes me angry too.
    Stay safe and enjoy the chocolate 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Apr 13, 2020 @ 11:12:41

      Oh, Kirsty, only because I didn’t want to get lynched, did I just about stat quiet, yesterday, but I got a video which was sent to the temple committee…
      It is awful how people thinking they are above everything the rest of us are abiding by..
      Stay safe!
      (I’m trying very hard to stay away from the chocolate 🤣)



  11. robertawrites235681907
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 09:58:18

    An interesting post this week, Ritu. We are not allowed out at all and it feels like a police state. I don’t like have the freedoms taken away, it is a bit scary in fact, especially in Africa. It looks like your family had a nice Easter celebration despite the lock down. Lots of yummy treats.

    Liked by 1 person


  12. Mrs ESTJ
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 09:49:00

    What amazing drawing. I’d so love a talent like that. We’ve had a lovely Easter.

    Liked by 1 person


  13. potatosandwich
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 08:04:50

    Wonderful drawing

    Liked by 1 person


  14. Sue Vincent
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 06:07:32

    Your daughter’s drawing is wonderful.

    Liked by 1 person


  15. dearanonymousfriend
    Apr 13, 2020 @ 05:44:09

    Actually it is almost 1a.m. and hubby and I are watching news as there is a large bands of tornadoes heading our way. We are perching on the couch with the basement waiting for us with lawn chairs and candles and water. It’s hitting mist of the southern states. So that is how my week is starting.

    Liked by 1 person


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