Chai And A Chat #80 #ChaiAndAChat #CoronaDiaries Week 4

Yup, a month of this and we are still going…

  • Another week of not really knowing what day it was, and what I was meant to be doing with myself! Oh, but I did discover TikTok… which you’ll know about if you saw yesterday’s Spidey post!
  • I was featured on, with an article about my journey with PCOS, which was rather special. It was one of the pieces of writing I did the week before… 2,500 words of pain…
  • On Tuesday I spent time updating my Character Bible. It is a great way for me to keep track of the different characters in my books, and as they are interconnected, all the more important when referring back to
  • And got a little more writing done, with my muse in tow!
  • On Wednesday, I had to brave the local hospital for a set of blood tests, as requested by the consultant after my phone appointment. They took a LOT of blood samples! And I have to go back for one more test, as they failed to mention I needed to leave a (#1) sample as well, on the phone. I was dreading going to the actual building, but it wasn’t as bad as all that. They set up a queueing area and as you came in, you were asked if you had a temperature or cough. The nurse at the door checked your temperature before allowing you in. The actual phlebotomy clinic was empty so I was in and out in ten minutes!
  • Oh Thursday, most schools reopened for the next term. When I say open, I use that term extremely loosely. Basically we are still doing the same as before. But we need to add more plans to the school website for the children’s learning. We spent a couple of hours getting a plan ready for the first week, then decided that it would be a great idea to film me reading a story, the next day, to put online for the kids… however, did you know of the minefield of copyright with this? I never did, because there are so many people who upload videos of themselves reading on YouTube. Apparently, it is illegal, unless the books are available. in the Public Domain. And that means a work needs to be well old, basically… However, most publishers and authors are being very good about the whole school and home learning issues at the moment, and have relaxed their rules. As long as we contact them with details of the book we are reading, and name it, along with author and illustrator, upload it on a private educational site, or as unlisted on Youtube, we can record our own, with no comebacks. As long as the videos are removed by the end of the academic year. It’s a bit of a faff, but I’d do it for our babies!
  • Friday was another day of school but I didn’t end up going in, as my team teach wasn’t too well, so. we weren’t going to be able to record stories or plan. That meant another day at home. The kids (mine) have to get used to waking up earlier as well, again, now, as they have been rather lazy over their official holiday… so I was hearing plenty of annoyed moans and groans from them!
  • But, once Lil Man was done with his work, we did a thing. Have you seen the 5 challenge? Run 5 Km, Donate £5, Nominate 5? Basically, you run (or walk. I cannot run!) 5km, then donate £5 to a charity, and then nominate 5 others to do it. I have been walking pretty much daily with him, but it gets a little boring doing the rounds at the walking track we use at the temple sports ground, so we did a long walk along a different route and smashed it! We even managed another 5 km one on the Sunday with the whole family, and I learned of another beautiful green space. walking distance from our house to visit too!
  • I think I truly exhausted myself on Friday because saturday was a day for doing NOTHING! I initiated the kids to a couple more classic Bollywood films from the late 90s and early 2000s and read lots. A perfect day, but definitely nowhere near the steps I should have taken!
  • As I mentioned, the Sunday involved another walk, but we had an Indian style lunch, with me making parathas!

Another week of meh-ness, but we cope. As I type we have been told that we are going through another three week cycle of social distancing and lockdown, before the government can review. Some papers deem it fit to publish information that hasn’t been confirmed, such as some schools may ppen by May 11th… But that has not been confirmed at all. As I mentioned before, I am trying hard not to watch too much news, but I get annoyed when I read misinformed posts and articles. We are going through enough confusion as it is, without publications that many readers trust, publishing untruths or uncomfirmed facts.

But, it’s Monday, again. I might just go and get a story recorded, who knows? And I’ll be with the Key Worker kids on Wednesday, all day. Who knows what the rest of the week holds?

How has your week been? ?

23 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. robbiesinspiration
    Apr 23, 2020 @ 05:36:24

    You seem to be making the most of things, Ritu, and that is a good thing. I am doing the same. We aren’t allowed out of the front gate which is trying, so we are waking round and round the garden.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Jennie
    Apr 21, 2020 @ 13:20:41

    So, you go to school some days to record things for the students to watch online? And other days you are taking care of the children of essential workers? That must be hard! Many colleges and universities here have decided to do their fall term online!! I loved the post you wrote on PCOS. And, keep laughing!!! Stay well and stay safe.



  3. OIKOS™-Publishing
    Apr 20, 2020 @ 20:34:56

    Another great week, Sis! (little sarcasm included). Sunu only 0,4 of the family? 😉 I have to excuse, because only now after your great article at i am knowing what this PCOS really is. First i thought about PC-OS (PersonalComputer-Operating System) Lol
    With so many blood samples you have to give, in short time you can open a own blood bank. Lol Jokes aways. Hope you can deal with this in a good way. I am sure you will do. You could become a great writer of medical advisories too. 😉 Best wishes, Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Erika
    Apr 20, 2020 @ 19:46:27

    The vocational school of my youngest son opens up June 8th again. Those schools and universities are the last ones to open up in Switzerland. The other schools are opening-up in the middle of May (kindergarten and elementary school first, then the secondary schools).

    Liked by 2 people


    • Ritu
      Apr 20, 2020 @ 21:49:08

      We still have no dates…

      Liked by 1 person


      • Erika
        Apr 21, 2020 @ 11:06:20

        What I read so far about the situation in the UK, it would be irresponsible anyway to open up schools in the coming few weeks. So, one day at a time, sis, right? There is no use of ignoring reason. I am glad you are safe, that is all that matters these days 😘


  5. syl65
    Apr 20, 2020 @ 15:37:16

    Here the schools are closed for the remainder of the school year and they will continue with remote learning until the end of May. This is such an unprecedented time globally. The world will eventually begin turning a bit faster soon. Hang tight, Sister 🙏🏽💜

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Rebecca Moon Ruark
    Apr 20, 2020 @ 15:26:15

    After a nice Easter break, my boys are back at their remote schooling. I only heard one complaint of boredom from them last week, but I think they missed having a little something mandatory to do–besides chores. On Sunday, a group of us from our little town went and stood in a neighbor’s yard, and across the street and on the sidewalk, etc., all socially-distanced. She turned 103 that day, so we all thought she deserved to be sung “Happy Birthday!” I’m going to try and get back to my new WIP this week, as, from the looks of things, querying the completed one might be futile right now (and probably always, but…).

    Liked by 1 person


  7. dearanonymousfriend
    Apr 20, 2020 @ 14:29:03

    ours has been a slow do nothing week here. I am determined this week to be more productive, cleaning, writing, watching what I put into my mouth (yeh, like that is going to help). I have continued to walk and get my steps in. Today is a huge day, we are going out to pick up some like switches that have gone bad, an eye appointment for hubby (I will be staying in the car), and I forgot some stuff at the grocery store, so I am actually going to brave going in there! Wow, huge day of being out for us… hope you have a safe and healthy week. ❤

    Liked by 1 person


  8. potatosandwich
    Apr 20, 2020 @ 13:48:10

    Well done for keeping the diary jam packed all week. The paranta’s look lush!

    P.S. I’ll be doing my 5k run soon and will video it 🙂

    Liked by 1 person


  9. H. R Phoenix (Midnightlion!)
    Apr 20, 2020 @ 05:12:48

    Hi Ritu, yet another great post! My week
    …. I’ve been busy with my poetry book: Sensations and stars and other poems, which will be coming out soon 😃 I’ve been posting on my blog a lot, thinking about new content.
    I’ve also got Disney plus which is actually quite good and contains all my favourite movies, new and old. I’m finding myself free a lot, so I bake often. Last week: chocolate brownies with ice cream, chocolate chip cookies, scones and cream, pancakes 🥞 sponge cake. I knowww its sooo much, I didn’t realise till my family told me to cook a non sugar strudel 😂😂😂 but they don’t stop me, I’m too good 😂
    Thank you for sharing your week and thoughts with us ❤️❤️❤️ And stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person


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