Chai And A Chat #84 #ChaiAndAChat #CoronaDiaries Week 8

Eight darn weeks of Lockdown…

Got your drink?

  • This week I wasn’t on the school rota, meaning no reason to go out of the house, other than grocery shopping. But there is always work. to do, so along with helping my Team Teach to set up a class blog, we added posts so our class and parents could get in touch, and get additional support for tasks. Some more online learning and keeping track of what the childen have been doing, along with planning for the next time I am in, kept me busy.
  • And we had our first team Zoom meeting which was cool. I am a people person, and I crave conversation. Online chats are fine, but being able to see and speak to others was great. I am sure there will be more to come!
  • Obviously the big thing that was on my mind, and the minds of plenty of other educators, was the possible reopening of schools. I know, as the lower level of teacher, we don’t have full access to all that is being discussed, and we will be presented with a plan of action from our Academy Trust, and Senior Leadership Team, but what I an hugely aware of, is the amount of conflicting information that is being sent to the above individiuals, making the decisions even harder. One of my neighbours is a head teacher and we have had a brief over the road conversation about the stress she is feeling with everything. The ‘will we/won’t we?’ cloud has been hanging over my head all week.
  • Adding to my own personal stress and worries, I am dreaming about it. One night I woke up and recalled my dream which was set on the first day back, and Hubby Dearest came with me (Goodness knows where my own kids were!) to an old building which is not our school. I had been given no plans or idea as to what we were doing, and was presented with a group of five children, some from my actual class, some not. Then papers were thrust in my hand with some resources, but I kept on losing the kids, who were sneaking into different rooms. It was all very odd, and I don’t doubt that the unsurity I feel towards everything, is what played through the dream.
  • One thing I have been doing, when school work is complete, is cooking and I managed to make Hubby Dearest his favourite Shahi Paneer again, this time to perfection! Then I tried to make pakoras, or bhajis, which are little gram flour fritters with onion, potato and spinach, and spices, deep fried. They actually tasted pretty good!
  • I read plenty, new books, older books that had been on my tbr pile for a long while, and arcs too… in fact, I read so much that I managed to hit my annual Goodreads Challenge target already, in May!
  • Other than that, I have managed to get a few more words down, partially WIP related, some for the Story A Day In May challenge. And I got results back for my first two calligraphy course modules, passed with 100%!

The rest of the week, has been the same as the rest, daily waking up, working, eating, reading, writing, feeding others, cleaning, video calling family… And repeat…

This week, I am in school with the Keyworker kids on Monday, with a different partner teacher, so that should be fun, then we will be getting details of the tentative plans for the future… waiting with baited breathe. Then, as of Friday, it is officially the end of term, though we still need to be open for the keyworker children. At least that means the kids don’t need dragging, kicking and screaming to their computers in the morning, to log into their Google Classrooms. What the rest of the week holds, I have no idea…

What have you been up to?

Stay safe, my dear friends!


31 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. robbiesinspiration
    May 22, 2020 @ 06:07:27

    Our schools are starting to reopen on 1 June and I am glad. It feels as if we are starting to move back towards normalcy. I think many people are going to be shocked and horrified when they realise what a bad state our economies are in post lockdown and how many businesses have failed. I am bracing myself although I know a lot having spent the past 2 months trying to help make plans for clients to survive this period.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. Jennie
    May 21, 2020 @ 12:58:19

    Do you have Zoom set up for classes so children can “visit” their teachers and classmates?

    Liked by 1 person


  3. OIKOS™-Publishing
    May 18, 2020 @ 19:37:30

    Yes, you are a very positive girl, Sis! A class blog is very good involving the parents too, but also a little bit addition of stress What had i read on Jess’s blog: “…my next two books”.? Plz let me first read the last 100 pages of the second one.;-) I am not a reading monster like you. Lol But i love your very health oriented cooking. Be well and stay save.Dont put Sonu becoming a VeggieCat. Lol Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  4. judeitakali
    May 18, 2020 @ 19:10:38

    “Dreams don’t write your book, you do” a nice post, that was my fav.

    Liked by 2 people


  5. Rae Longest
    May 18, 2020 @ 17:33:44

    Here I sit with the laptop on my knees and my second cup of morning coffee at my elbow. I am a free woman. Grades are averaged and posted and except for two students I intend to follow up with, the spring semester is a thing of the past. I have asked for a course in the fall, and I strongly suspect it will be on line. Things are opening slowly in Texas, but I don’t feel good about it. Because I have a healthy respect for the danged virus, I shall stay home a bit longer. So far, I’ve gone to the post office and the grocery store, plus a quick stop at a coffee shop, which felt weird because it is under a new owner, new name and everything.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. syl65
    May 18, 2020 @ 15:46:19

    We do what we can to get through this, Sister. Sometimes the days may seem the same but each day has its own possibilities. Glad you could get some writing done ✍🏽

    Liked by 1 person


  7. dearanonymousfriend
    May 18, 2020 @ 15:41:02

    Still working on my bedroom. Wanted to rent a rug cleaner for the carpet, but, couldn’t, no rentals of that sort because…. hopefully this week they will be able to rent them. Now am sanding furniture to paint it… of course it is raining now and am not supposed to use the paint in damp weather, according to the directions… Actually went to eat with another couple yesterday. It was a beautiful day out and a street downtown is closed to traffic and the restaurants have tables in the street, all socially distant, so you can meet in groups no larger than four to have a meal together. It was wonderful!

    Liked by 1 person


  8. willowdot21
    May 18, 2020 @ 14:53:04

    It’s not getting any easier yet is it Sis , but it will we will get there, our paths are written all we need to do is choose our way and follow it bravely. You can do this Sis, I believe in you 💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person


  9. potatosandwich
    May 18, 2020 @ 09:53:19

    Paneer. Yum!
    I’m hooked on Zoom for everything.
    Have a great week!

    Liked by 1 person


  10. Steve Tanham
    May 18, 2020 @ 09:02:05

    That’s a lot to cope with, Ritu. I love how you stay positive… and cook!

    Liked by 1 person


    May 18, 2020 @ 05:12:54


    Liked by 2 people


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