Chai And A Chat #108 #ChaiAndAChat #CoronaDiaries Week 32

And here was me, thinking I may just be able to wrap up the #CoronaDiaries hashtag, when BoZo BoJo and his gang decide to announce Lockdown #2! A lockdown with differences…

  • If we were having chai I’d start with school. Oh, no, I don’t have to, because we were on half term, weren’t we? So no thinking about school, or work, planning, staffing. In your dreams, Ritu! But more about that later!
  • If we were having chai I’d tell you that we didn’t end up getting the skip, even though it was on the list of things to do. I think we have all been a bit deflated of energy, and the will to do anything was just gone, so I moved bits about in the garden, but the stuff that needs to go, is still there!
  • If we were having chai I’d say that we did get our valuations done, and out of three, we found who I hope will be our dream agent, with a great valuation of our property, and a very reasonable fee… however… more on that, too…
  • If we were having chai I’d mention that Sonu Singh had his stint at the vets, for his scale and polish, and the removal of one broken tooth. Poor thing was still high on his painkillers, when he came back, and once he remembered food, it was like he had the munchies, darting from bowl to bowl, licking anything he thought would have food in, and even dipped half his head into his water bowl, unaware that he was soaking wet on one side, as he tried to snuffle for more food! My boy is fine now, though, thank goodness!
  • If we were having chai I’d have to let you know that we are on a mission to get Lil Man in the kitchen! My brother had a chat with him, one day, and told him, that it was really important for him to learn how to cook. Obviously, I have been trying to instil this in him, and Lil Princess, but coming from his on so cool uncle, he took heed. The challenge was on, for him to learn how to make eggs, at least two ways, and the boy done good! We started with omelette, me making one first, and him copying and following my lead. Apparently it didn’t taste good “because someone else hadn’t made it for me!” But it was good. Then day two was scrambled eggs, which he did really well with. I went shopping on the Saturday and came back to a sink filled with dishes, but there was still a proud mum moment, as he had made himself scrambled eggs, with no supervision! (Now to get cool uncle to challenge him to tidy up after himself!)
  • If we were having chai I’d get back to that news I keep hinting at… the announcement of a second lockdown. Yup. It was that news we were all expecting, yet hoping not to have to endure. That news that we dreaded, but knew was inevitable. England is officially in it’s second national lockdown from Thursday. But it’s a lockdown with a difference. All non essential businesses have to stop, including bars/restaurants, retail shops, gyms, hair salons and beauty bars. If you can work from home, you have to. Unless you are in the construction industry, or in manufacturing of essential goods, Emergency services, and health care, and education. Yup, so we at school are still same as before, soldiering on, with our children coming in, so the kids have the least amount of disruption. There is plenty to worry about, but we just have to keep going. We are a staff member down this week, due to a necessary medical procedure, and her needing to quarantine before it, I have 4 prospective members of staff to meet and observe, my classroom needs to be totally reset, as it was left in a tip on the Friday before breaking up due to the flooring being done, and I have a new boy starting tomorrow, too! So all these things meant there was a certain amount of school encroaching upon my week… And now, I worry about whether we can still go ahead with the house sale, etc… if we are in lockdown? Oh, well. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see, won’t we?

This week, it’ll all be about school, preparations for the next four weeks, drawing up virtual learning plans, just in case, and interviews. Oh, and juggling staff where we have a shortage… And thinking about my own two, and possible childcare, as I don’t want to drop them to my in-laws, as they are classed as vulnerable, unless absolutely necessary. I guess we’ll just wait and see. I mean, we haven’t been given the official guidance, yet, and that might add a whole heap of extra touble on our plates!

And while you’re here, did you sign up for my mailing list? I am in the middle of writing an exclusive Chickpea Curry Lit story for my subscribers, and there will be news, tips and even recipes! You know you want to join… go on! Click the pic below to sign up!

Have a wonderful week, Peeps!

21 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Jennie
    Nov 08, 2020 @ 01:29:23

    Lockdown is crazy, teaching L’il Man how to cook is definitely cool, and teaching is the rock that holds children and families together. Bless you, Ritu!

    Liked by 2 people


  2. willowdot21
    Nov 05, 2020 @ 16:42:51

    It’s a strange old world right now Sis 💜

    Liked by 2 people


  3. OIKOS™-Editorial
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 20:54:09

    Poor men in your household, Sis! Lol The cat man on drugs, and LilMan forced to do what – i am sure – in his meaning is women work. 😉 – Sorry, we are in th 21th century, and who knows whom he later wish to date. There are so many fashion addicted women, with … I will stop here. Lol
    Seems you had a fancy week. Have a nice upcoming week too. Don forget, on Thursday the drawbridge will go down again. ;-( Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Erika
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 19:44:38

    Great that LilMan is conquering the kitchen. My boys are cooking too and so we all are taking turns during the week which is great for everyone!

    Liked by 1 person


  5. johnrieber
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 17:21:04

    A week of highs, lows, and uncertainty…the “new normal” in 2020…glad you are staying safe and teaching cooking skills!

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Dan Antion
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 15:27:46

    Amazing how the cool uncle can do what mom can’t.

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Rae Longest
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 15:11:01

    Getting Lil’ Man into the kitchen has inspired me to do the same with My Better Half. He can make his version of an omelet, an egg sandwich, and egg bread. He used to make meatballs for my spaghetti, but decided he liked mine better when I substituted. I think I’ll start him out with strawberry pie–he does love pies. Thanks for the “nudge .”

    Liked by 1 person


  8. robbiesinspiration
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 11:57:21

    These lockdowns are a nightmare for working parents, Ritu. I think the mental strain of continuing to work from home for so long is starting to show with people, there is a lot of illness, unhappiness and discontent.

    Liked by 1 person


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