Predator by @zoejcaldwell #newrelease #bookreview

A dark, erotic thriller.

That is what I was pitched with, when I was asked if I’d like to read an arc of Predator, debut thriller from author Zoe Caldwell.

Hmm, is that my kind of read?

Well, if you know me at all, you’ll be aware that I am more than happy to turn my attention to all genres, because, well, you never know what you might enjoy. And I know for a fact that I enjoy this writer’s writing, however her other books are under a different pen name, and extremely different in genre, being more light-hearted romcoms, than kinky thrillers!

First, the blurb:

You’ve done a bad thing. She has you in your sights. Now you’re going to pay.

Meet Camilla.

A successful and glamorous fashion magazine editor who has it all.

But Camilla has a secret. 

Underneath her poised exterior lurks a cold dark heart and an insatiable need to kill.

A murderer of bad men, Camilla sees herself as a #MeToo vigilante, making the world a better place with every abuser she kills.

When Camilla murders Julian Taylor, she’s sure she can escape, but a new detective is given the case and is closing in.

Can Camilla get away with murder or has her luck finally run out?

And here is my ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ review.

Oh, my days!
When I was asked whether I may be interested in reading an ARC of Predator, I read the blurb, and thought “Why not? Sounds like an intriguing read.”
Well, intriguing is perhaps not quite the word to describe it.
Hugely dark and, (excuse my language, but) bloody fantastic!
Camilla, our protagonist, is a woman with a past that is ingrained so deep within, that it’s almost hollowed out any other emotion in her body.
Wronged as a child, growing up, and abused as a young woman, she casts herself in the role of vigilante for womankind, wreaking havoc, and her own version of revenge, upon unsuspecting predators
I found myself strangely aroused, a bit disturbed, and definitely sympathetic towards the woman with what appears to be no emotion, but whose heart is beginning to feel again.
Laced with sex, gore, and all manner of suspense, I was kept on my toes, reading the book almost in one sitting, and I truly didn’t predict the ending, either.
What a dark, kinky web the author has weaved…
You definitely kept this reader guessing!
Fab read. I can’t wait to get my hands on another book by Zoe Caldwell.

Some information about the author:

I live in Oxford now, but I spent most of my twenties living in London where I worked in copywriting and journalism, which included working as a reporter for a national newspaper. I spent several years working in fashion copywriting, writing extensively about designer clothes and handbags, and I think it was during these hours that the seed was sewn for the character of Camilla in my new book, Predator. Camilla is a poised and glamorous fashion magazine editor by day, and yet by night, she is a ruthless vigilante serial killer.

Zoe Caldwell1.jpg

I’ve had four romantic comedies published, and while I love rom coms, I’ve secretly always wanted to write something very dark. I’m a huge Bret Easton-Ellis fan and when I first read American Psycho, it blew my mind and I knew one day I wanted to write something similarly out-there – violent, sexual and graphic, but also insightful, with an element of social commentary. I hope this motivation comes through in Predator, which I’m very excited that Bloodhound is publishing. 

Aside from writing, I enjoy walking my dog, reading, and I’m currently learning Spanish.

16 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Alice Thomas
    Nov 06, 2020 @ 14:42:49

    Thanks for your lovely review Ritu!! looking forward to read it.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. LucciaGray
    Nov 04, 2020 @ 09:39:42

    Sounds fabulous! Will definitely check it out! Thanks for the review.

    Liked by 1 person


  3. OIKOS™-Editorial
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 20:28:08

    I am not so in erotic thrillers, but this one sounds – like your review tells – very interesting. Please Sis, dont take the leading character as a role model. Lol Thank you for reviewing. Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  4. Marje @ Kyrosmagica
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 17:49:13

    I’d like to read this too Ritu. Great review. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people


  5. jenanita01
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 08:56:33

    Reblogged this on Anita Dawes & Jaye Marie ~ Authors.

    Liked by 1 person


  6. jenanita01
    Nov 02, 2020 @ 08:56:17

    Such an amazing review, Ritu… have to read this, and as soon as possible!

    Liked by 1 person


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