Chai And A Chat #126 #ChaiAndAChat #CoronaDiaries Week 50

A year. It’s been a year since Covid-19 really hit the world, can you believe it?

I’ve got my drink, though it may get cold, as I’m back in school, but hey, you get comfortable and I’ll tell you about my week.

  • If we were having chai I’d tell you that this week, in school haas been truly surreal. firstly, it was amazing to have all our children back in school. I only had one child who wasn’t in, as they were sheilding. To see their little faces light up was so precious. The love and affection we received, made me emotional. It’s been a week of settling back in and the beginnings of assessment, to see how they have fared, emotionally as well as academically over this last bout of Remote Learning. We had very few tears, thaankfully. Mainly beaming smiles, and lots of funny stories.
  • If we were having chai I’d have to mention, thought, that there have been detrimental effects over the lockdown for a few. I have several children who are undergoing observations and investigations for Special Educational Needs, and, for some, this lockdown has not been great. Lack of routine, and familiarity with how we learn at school, coupled with parents trying their hardest, but not knowing how to teach certain aspects (which they shouldn’t be expected to, as they aren’t teachers) has left some huge holes. But that is our job, now, to give these kids what they need.
  • If we were having chai I’d have to admit to breaking down a little, though, on Thursday. One child is really suffering, hugely, and we are desperately fighting for a diagnosis, and some support for him, as are the parents, who recognise their child is struggling. This child is unable to recognise or control emotions, and can be deliriously happy, one moment and then ready to blow, with anger, the next. We’ve had to send him home four days out of five, as I don’t have a spare staff member to be with him all the time, and when he does struggle, it needs more than one adult. He’s getting violent, too. On said Thursday, despite setting out a reduced timetable for him, he couldn’t cope, and after shoving three classmates, I had to physically restrain him, gently, and cope with being punched, spat at and kicked, while he slowly calmed down, all the while, trying to ensure the rest of the class were safely inside their classrooms. It’s not the first time that week, this child necessitated the class being evacuated due to the safety of others. Once calm, we had to send him home, as he was being physically violent. After he left, I sat down to work with a group of children, and the resources needed, weren’t ready. It was the straw that broke the camel’s back, to be honest. I felt like a failure. One child causing so much disrruption, and affecting the learning of twenty nine others, (and another class of twenty nine’s also, on two occasions). Tears threatened, as I struggled to open books and hastily prepare the books for learning. This is where I was more grateful than ever for the strong, caring team, I have working with me. My TAs sent me away with my cup, to get a drink, and calm down, taking over the class. My head found me, and reassured me, these things weren’t my fault. We now have an emergency Ed Psych coming to see this child, hopefully to get some help for him, and us, so we can help him as best we can. Once again, so thankful for my wonderful team, and grateful for everyone around us that trys to help children with needs like these.
  • If we were having chai I’d admit, it’s been a tough week, so I wasn’t even able to go for a walk, daily. But, being in school meant that my step count has hit over 10k, no worries, every day! On top of the emotions of school, my knee started to really hurt again, so for two days I didn’t want to risk straining it further. But I ate sensibly. And we managed a couple of walks, at least. On Saturday, I met with a friend, and despite being rained and hailed on, i clicked this pretty picture. Mother’s Day, we managed a 3.3 mile walk, too!
  • If we were having chai I’d let you in on a secret. I only managed to read one book this week. And that is testament to how tough the week has been for me. Usually it’s two or three, at least! 
  • If we were having chai I’d have to mention Mother’s Day. Sunday was Mothering Sunday in the UK, and, even though I did wake before the others to feed the cat, I was joined by Lil Man an hour later, and he made me breakfast, after taping a message and menu on the kitchen door, stating I wasn’t to do it myself, as he was treataing me! We then waited for the rest of the household to get up, and headed off on a driveby visit to my mother in law, to drop cards and a present to her, and the kids aunt, my sister-in-law. They always honour her on Mother’s Day too, as she does a lot for both my kids. Breakfast was just the start. I was spoiled with some new cosy slippers, a new mug, and a beaautiful bookmark, as well as an Indiaan Afternoon Tea! I had been saving myself, because I knew there would be extreme calories consumed! And it was wonderful. I was still stuffed seven hours later!
Bitmoji Image

This week, I am hoping for a calmer week at school but I’m not holding my breath! To be honest, I can’t see beyond school, right now, so anything else that happens in life would be a bonus!

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36 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. robbiesinspiration
    Mar 19, 2021 @ 19:05:09

    I am sorry to read about your difficult week, Ritu. Mine has also been another real horror show and I had to work the whole day last Saturday again as well. I was so tired this afternoon, I passed out and slept for 2 hours and that never happens to me. I am tired of lockdown and all the mad corporate actions. I hope your next week is better and your knee is also okay.

    Liked by 2 people


  2. Jennie
    Mar 17, 2021 @ 01:06:37

    One child can have such an impact on the whole class. I still remember that child in my fifth grade class. That was a zillion years ago. It traumatized me. Like you, I am focused on that child in the classroom, and it is so hard to help the rest of the children who are affected.

    Liked by 1 person


    • Ritu
      Mar 17, 2021 @ 06:31:02

      It has been so tough, Jennie… I’m at my wits end!

      Liked by 1 person


      • Jennie
        Mar 18, 2021 @ 00:52:53

        I have had ‘that child’ before in my class. I understand!!! You’re at the point of having to have one person designated to the child. Otherwise, all the other children suffer. But you already know that. Over here, we would insist the parents get an evaluation through the public school. If the child is deemed needing services, then the public school would provide that. BUT, in the short term that doesn’t help you at all. Can you hire a one-on-one teacher? Can you have the parents pay for that expense so their child can continue in a classroom setting?

        Liked by 1 person

      • Ritu
        Mar 18, 2021 @ 06:42:59

        We already have a child with a one to one. I have 3 others with an ASD/ADHD diagnosis. Assessments are being done. But until funding is put in place, there isn’t money for another adult. So many kids are suffering because of thus, and the need generally, is high, due yo so much missed learning… 😢

        Liked by 1 person

      • Jennie
        Mar 18, 2021 @ 21:48:17

        Oh, Ritu! Children are suffering so much right now. And adults are being stretched to the max. I completely understand about funding, and your class must be so hard. I don’t know how you do any lesson planning or specific activities. I would think painting at the easel, reading books, and singing would be what these children need, and all you could manage to do. Maybe Duplos and blocks and puzzles. Open ended. They need you. I learned that the best background music for children to hear is soft jazz. We do that every morning (usually Frank Sinatra), and it makes a big difference!! Can you send newsletters home to parents to explain that all children (not just theirs) are behind, and their social emotional development has to come before the academics? Sigh! I know you probably do this already. Parents worry too much about the academics! 😢

        Liked by 2 people

      • Ritu
        Mar 18, 2021 @ 22:50:29

        You speak my heart’s language, Jennie.
        We as a school have tried to emphasise this, but it’s not always easy to convince all parents!
        We’re trying to keep things pared down, but gently nudging these children along.
        It’s tough, right now, but whatever we are doing will be setting a new normal for our children. Hopefully a normal that puts our children’s wellbeing at the forefront of Early Years education, as well as that emotional education, that communication…


        Liked by 2 people

      • Jennie
        Mar 19, 2021 @ 11:29:46

        Hear, hear!! 💕

        Liked by 2 people

  3. willowdot21
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 18:54:58

    A good week, a beautiful mother’s Day which you dearly deserve. Sorry I am so late visiting. 💜💜💜💜

    Liked by 1 person


  4. OIKOS™-Editorial
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 17:43:06

    Hey, sounds like a wonderful Mother’s Day, Sis!

    Well done sis! Yes, now come – hopefully only sporadically – the problems of staying at home, under these for children really difficult conditions. But you are a fighter. 😉 You look good in the Insta picture. But can it be that you have lost a little weight? 😉 Your face is a bit narrower than usual. Hopefully this will now remain without lockdown so that you can finally do your job in peace. Another change would certainly be worse for the children. Many greetings! Michael

    Liked by 1 person


  5. Erika
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 17:24:20

    That sounds like a really lovely Mother’s Day. I am happy you enjoyed it that much, sis 💖

    Liked by 1 person


  6. Keith
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 16:18:02

    Ritu, happy Mothering Day. Enjoy your Chai. Keith

    Liked by 1 person


  7. Rae Longest
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 13:13:16

    Monday morning 3/15
    For once I am joining you on time. Today’s beverage of choice is Peets coffee, dark roast. Mmmmm and a small orange to get a healthy start to the day. Will make biscuits w marmalade for My Better Half shortly. I love having the house to myself first thing.
    My heart breaks for the unruly kid and for you, dear.
    Happy Mother’s day a day late. How nice that you honor the aunt. I am not a mother, but I am an aunt and a great aunt and a great grand aunt. Lol I hope I am their “cool aunt.”
    I am on Spring Break this week.

    Liked by 1 person


  8. Alethea Kehas
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 12:49:54

    I vote yes on the silver highlights. I’m doing the same thing and have decided that silver highlights are heavenly ❤️

    Liked by 1 person


  9. SC Skillman
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 09:02:39

    This gives an insight into how challenging the work of a teacher can be. My son went to a special school and the class size was about 7 children with 3 adults in charge. It really is another world from mainstream school. My own concern is that perhaps he was over-protected, and shielded from the personal challenges of mainstream school. I do hope this child receives the support that is really needed. Provision varies around the country which is such an unjust situation.

    Liked by 1 person


  10. davidprosser
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 08:27:53

    You and your team of teachers and TA’s do a fantastic job Ritu, repeated all over the country. I’m impressed at just how much effort goes into getting each child the help they need. I know how glad my grandchildren were to return to school and see their friends after so long and yet the return can’t have been an easy one for teachers with so many assessments to be made. Thank you for all you do, and how you do it.

    Liked by 1 person


  11. Marje @ Kyrosmagica
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 06:55:23

    Hi Ritu I teared up reading the part about your pupil. What a tough time. So glad you had a lovely mother’s day as did I. I had my covid vaccine on Saturday haven’t felt too well (mild) but then managed to hurt my back last night! Can hardly walk or sit so looks like I’ll have to stay home. I rarely have a day off work and it’s not best timing with kids coming back today. Sigh.

    Liked by 2 people


    • Ritu
      Mar 15, 2021 @ 07:20:27

      Oh no, Marje! Back ache is awful!
      My knees are aching again, but trying to soldier on as best I can.
      It’s been tough, at school. But we can only hope things begin to settle x

      Liked by 1 person


  12. Leanne
    Mar 15, 2021 @ 05:44:57

    Hi Ritu, sorry to read about the disruptive child. You’ve got several first steps in to treat this student, so in the long-run, things will get better. I can’t imagine how his parents/family are managing with him at home and how disruptive he might be there, too. It’s extremely difficult for you right now, but with investment, this student will be more resilient and his future teachers will have you to thank.

    Liked by 2 people


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