Thursday Thoughts – The 11+ Nightmare

my-right-brain-is-cartoon_finalThis Thursday, my thoughts turn to all those Year 6 students who are going to be sitting their 11+ tests.

Yes Lil Man is in Year 6, and no, he won’t be one of those stressed kids today.

It was a big decision, the whether to get him to sit, or not, and I posted about my thoughts here.

Ultimately, at the big meeting, where parents were given all the information about this dreaded test, I spoke with both his class teacher and the head, and was advised to at least sign up for the test if we were unsure, it was better to have signed up, and not sat than to not sign up, then regret your child not having this opportunity.  I was also advised that Grammar School my not be the best choice for him. This I agree with, but I wanted him to have the opportunity to decide for himself.

I dutifully got all the books, and was there for him.  If he wanted to do it, we could go through the books, and tutor him.  He looked, but found even the simplest questions quite trying,

Now, this mum is very proud of her Lil Man. He’s gone from lagging behind all the time in his academic career, to actually hitting the expected level of progress, well that was last year, before all this crazy grammar stuff hit! I was not going to push him.  I have been realistic when talking to him as well. But he is registered to take the test, just in case.

For those that don’t know, the 11+ tests are a set of tests that are done so children can apply to Grammar Schools, where there is a very high academic standard.  It’s a hard slog, of you were tutored to pass the test… you may be playing catch up the rest of your academic life. But if you are naturally a bright child, then you will be pushed to reach the heights that you can achieve.

But this, by no means, means that if you aren’t at Grammar School you are thick, unintelligent, or that you won’t get anywhere in life.

Education, especially secondary, is what you make it.  If you want to learn, and make something of yourself, you will try hard wherever you are, and your teachers will be great at either school, it’s up to you to reach for the moon… if you miss, no worries, you’ll still end up in the stars!

Good luck those who are taking it.

Lil Man made the decision to not sit it.  He feels he would struggle at a school where academia is the be-all and end-all.  He is an intelligent little guy, but it shows in different ways!

My interactive peeps!