Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 99


“Be yourself. Everyone else is taken” – Anon

It is so easy, in this day and age, to try and emulate famous names, or strong characters who are around us regularly.

Not just characteristics, and mannerisms, or even clothes and makeup looks. Nowadays having plastic surgery to look like someone is not uncommon.

I’m sure many of us have been to the hairdresser, and requested a haircut like a specific star, like that Jennifer Aniston look of the 90’s!

But think seriously for a second.

Why be like someone else? Be yourself!

It’s not necessary to wear high fashion or certain trainers. you don’t have to control your laughter, just because it’s not ‘cool’ to laugh at certain things.

Do it. As long as you are not hurting anyone else, be true to yourself. If you are true to yourself, your inner beauty will shine through. Genuine people exude a totally different light to those who don’t really have their own personality.

If there is one thing you do today Peeps, it is this. Do something because you want to do it. Wear something because you like it.

Be True To You!

Happy Sunday Peeps!


My interactive peeps!