Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 375 – Overcoming Problems


“The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” 


Definitely one for me to keep in my mind after this last week, Spidey, thank you.

Another week, another whole host of issues to contend with. No one ever said being a parent was going to be easy, and being a teacher in team management is exactly the same!

This week, I have had things going on at school and home, involving the emotional well-being and mental health of people I care about.

A lot.

And how ironic, since it is Mental Health Awareness week, here in the UK.

It has been exhausting, to say the least, but equally, I feel proud of the people involved for coming forward and talking to me or someone who they feel will listen.

The above quote totally highlights this.

Anything we want to do for ourselves starts by us taking that first step. It may seem small to some, but any step is a big step, especially if it is the first.

What I do know is that this is the start of what could be a very precarious journey for us in some ways, but at least we are on that journey, now.

So, have you ever had to deal with someone whose own mental health has been hanging by a thread? How have you managed through the journey?


Wishing you a wonderfully peaceful Sunday, Peeps!

My interactive peeps!