‘That’ Song – #RomanticTuesday

Erika, my blog sis, set up a hashtag #RomanticTuesday to share all things romantic.

Today, I wanted to share a song that I absolutely love. It makes me think of my Hubby Dearest all the time, from the moment we got together. It is passionate, as well as romantic, I think.

En Vogue – Don’t Let Go

This particular verse, I always love:

“I often fantasize
The stars above are watching you
They know my heart and speak to yours
Like only lovers do
If I could wear your clothes
I’d pretend I was you and lose control
There’ll be some lovemaking, heartbreaking, soul shaking
Oh lovemaking, heartbreaking, soul shaking, oh yeah”

I used to always borrow his tee-shirts and jumpers! (I still do, twenty years on!)

What song do you associate with your other half? Or if you don’t have one, which song is the epitome of romance/passion to you? Tell me in the comments!

Day 1- #musicalmarch🎵

Time to get some music out there this lovely March!

I chose a couple of tunes that I have enjoyed over the years. The first song is one from my courting days with Hubby Dearest! En Vogue and Don’t Let Go.

Then my Indian influenced song… I share the song we had for our first dance at our wedding. It’s about your only love. ” Hai Mera Dil” from the Bollywood picture Josh.

Any romantic songs you want to share?


Friday Fiction With Ronovan # 5- On A Saturday!

Friday Fiction with Ronovan… Yes I know it’s now Sunday, but hey, I needed time for other pressing issues, the last two nights, so here I am! The prompt post is here.

Challenge This Week:

  • Pick your favorite song and use the title for the title of your story. No, you are not to write a story about how you like the song.
  • Get rid of adverbs outside of your dialogue.
  • No word count limit this week.

Finding my one favourite song in itself was a challenge, I love so many

So my song, a particular favourite, is Don’t Let Go, by En Vogue.

It was poignant when Hubby Dearest and I were dating, and I still love the words to this day.

And no adverbs??!!

Oh this will be a toughie!!!

Here goes!


Don’t Let Go

“Don’t let go!”

That’s what he said to me, just before my grip loosened.

I didn’t mean to.  I mean, I had tried hard to hold on, but after 15 minutes of holding his feet, as he dangled over the edge of the bridge, I couldn’t do it.  He was heavy, and I’m just a slight lad myself.

It was all his idea.

He’d seen all these amazing graffiti-covered bridges and he wanted to ‘tag’ one too.  It had only been a couple of months since we had started spraying…leaving our mark around the local area, you know, the school hall walls, the bus shelter Ad boards.

But this, well it was a totally different ball game.  I had only been joining in to seem cool, you know, one of the gang.

Yet here we were, standing on top of this bridge.  The only way he said he could reach was by being held, as he dangled, upside down, and I had to grab hold of his feet.

I don’t know what masterpiece he was trying to create but our quick usual ‘tag’ that took a couple of minutes, seemed to take forever.  It was getting dark when we had reached there, and there were a few cars that had passed under the bridge, but none had stopped to see what we were doing.

But I felt myself tiring, and my hands couldn’t hold on for much longer. I told him to hurry up. I told him that I couldn’t hold on much longer, but he carried on.

Then, just as he said it… “Don’t let go!” my hands gave up, and as I looked up, there was a truck driving towards us, headlights beaming brightly….

Right, so I have read, and reread this so many times, I can’t tell of there are adverbs in there or not! It is totally different to the message of the song, but hey, it was the title that was the inspiration!

You can be my teachers now, mark it, tell me if adverbs slipped in, and what you think!

Oh Ronova, you make us work hard!!!!

My interactive peeps!