Three Day Quote Challenge – Day 3

I was nominated by the lovely Sidra of the blog The 7 Of Us, to take part in the Three Day Quote Challenge.

The Rules :

1) Thank the person who nominated you
2) Post a quote for 3 consecutive days ( 1 post each day )
3) Nominate 3 bloggers each day – I’m sorry, I’m a rebel, but I shall leave this open to you all!!!!!

Now, if you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know I have taken part in this one several times as I love a good quote!

Favourite quotes were used up the first couple of times, so I decided to theme each challenge.

This time I am going with Ernest Hemmingway and his words of wisdom.

Image result for writer's quotes ernest hemingway

I fear this is where I was going wrong with my first draft… writing sober… Next time I decide to pen a novel, I shall do it with my bottle of prosecco right next to me, and save the soberness for the editing!

Remember: If you fancy having a go, please do, and link back to this post!

Oh, and while I’m at it, just a quick reminder that the Annual Blogger’s Bash Awards voting closes on Monday, and But I Smile Anyway has been nominated for Best Overall Blogger, if you fancy popping over and voting! You just need to click here.

Three Day Quote Challenge – Day 2

I was nominated by the lovely Sidra of the blog The 7 Of Us, to take part in the Three Day Quote Challenge.

The Rules :

1) Thank the person who nominated you
2) Post a quote for 3 consecutive days ( 1 post each day )
3) Nominate 3 bloggers each day – I’m sorry, I’m a rebel, but I shall leave this open to you all!!!!!

Now, if you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know I have taken part in this one several times as I love a good quote!

Favourite quotes were used up the first couple of times, so I decided to theme each challenge.

This time I am going with Ernest Hemmingway and his words of wisdom.

Image result for writer's quotes ernest hemingway


I hope to God this isn’t always the case!!! After 18 years writing that first draft, I’d hate to have to spend another 18 getting it better! I may be publishing posthuomously!

Remember: If you fancy having a go, please do, and link back to this post!

Oh, and while I’m at it, just a quick reminder that the Annual Blogger’s Bash Awards voting closes on Monday, and But I Smile Anyway has been nominated for Best Overall Blogger, if you fancy popping over and voting! You just need to click here.

Three Day Quote Challenge – Day 1

I was nominated by the lovely Sidra of the blog The 7 Of Us, to take part in the Three Day Quote Challenge.

The Rules :

1) Thank the person who nominated you
2) Post a quote for 3 consecutive days ( 1 post each day )
3) Nominate 3 bloggers each day – I’m sorry, I’m a rebel, but I shall leave this open to you all!!!!!

Now, if you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know I have taken part in this one several times as I love a good quote!

Favourite quotes were used up the first couple of times, so I decided to theme each challenge.

This time I am going with Ernest Hemmingway and his words of wisdom.

Image result for writer's quotes ernest hemingway

This made me feel good. Maybe the reason that first draft took so long, was because I needed to add some more life experience to the mix!

Remember: If you fancy having a go, please do, and link back to this post!

Oh, and while I’m at it, just a quick reminder that the Annual Blogger’s Bash Awards voting closes on Monday, and But I Smile Anyway has been nominated for Best Overall Blogger, if you fancy popping over and voting! You just need to click here.

My interactive peeps!