#RiNoWriMo – The Finale! #canidothis ? #ididit !

Can you believe it? I completed a whole month of writing my WIP? (Along with blogging, and being wife and mother!)

It’s Bank Holiday on Monday… I appear to have promised to take the kids swimming one one day… and those damn uniforms refuse to label themselves…  Can I get this WIP nearer the finished end??

Day 28

I am seriously exhausted. I am not sure if I can write any more for a while… My brain feels like it’s turned to mush. And I need to get rested for back to school… will I be able to get myself to the computer?

Hell Yes!

An hour and did a few more words. Then took the army swimming!

Word Count: 1139

Day 29

I’m definitely in a writers funk. I finished a section that I absolutely loved writing last week. The words just flew! Now I know what I want to happen, but I can’t find that smooth path to sail across, to get the story finished. It was hard, but, despite still feeling tired, I managed another few words. I’m not pushing myself… I want this to flow…

Word Count: 1007

Day 30

Thought I wouldn’t be able to do this today. I had to get up early and drop the kids off to my in laws as I needed a blood test done first thing. Feeling tired after having to wake earlier than my body was used to, was a trying time.

But once I got home, and full of a renewed energy. I managed to write, and then looked at a weekly tarot post by my friend Traci York. The cards I am drawn to are surprisingly accurate for my situations at the time, and today was no different!

 Knight of Pentacles
Keep your focus. You were so excited and full of energy when you took the first step on your new journey. Now you feel like you’ve lost your steam, and all you’re doing is trudging along, without getting any closer to your goal. Don’t give up hope! Stick to your plan, stay focused on the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, and remember what Amelia Earhart said – “The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity.”

Thanks, Traci! I am staying focused! But taking it a little slower!!!!

Word Count: 1241

Day 31

The last official day of #RiMoWriMo.

I never thought I would make it to the end! I haven’t even eaten breakfast yet, you know!

When I say the end, I don’t mean of my first draft. No, The end of the month! The story is a little while away from finishing, but it is so close, I can smell it!

I’ve got a busy day ahead of me, those name tapes aren’t going to fix themselves, and then I have to get the boy to cricket training, and a well-deserved meal out with my ladies tonight meant I wanted to give my last writing day a good go before starting everything else.

So I wrote…

Word Count: 1156

 PHEW!!!!! I’m done!!!!!!!!!

Taking everything into account this means I wrote 4,543 words this week, and the #RiNoWriMo word count stands at

55922 words in a month!

What have I learned in this last month?

  • If you have determination and time, you can do what you set your mind to.
  • Writing can be really, really, really, REALLY exhausting!
  • Sometimes time away from a story helps you put a totally different spin on it.
  • Support from some special writing friends, a furry writing muse and family makes a HUGE difference.
  • You need lots and lots of sticky notes and pens and notebooks… (great excuse to go stationery shopping!)
  • You can write anywhere if you want to.


My work in progress now stands at a few words shy of 70,000. When did I ever think I could write so much????? This has taken me a step closer to my dream of having a novel out there.

I will let you know when the #firstdraftwoes end and I have a complete manuscript in my hands. No doubt then I will flood you with questions and worries about editing, and proofreading, and editing, and rereading, and covers, publishing and promotion… but that is still a while away.

Now I am off to dream about the day I can conclude my story… whilst ironing labels on uniforms!

Thank you for staying with me on my #RiNoWriMo journey Peeps! Your support has been invaluable. Seriously. Mwah!


#RiNoWriMo – Week 4 #canidothis? #MondayBlogs

Instead of boring you each day, and I really have had to stop myself, I thought I would do a weekly post to let you know whether I have managed to accomplish what I wanted during this creative month of August that I have named, #RiNoWriMo! (Ritu’s Novel Writing Month).

What barriers do I have to overcome this week? Tiredness. Sleep overs. Playdates. Hmm… this’ll be fun! Oh, and I need to label uniform!

Day 21

I was seriously shattered this morning. Didn’t think I would be able to get up, let alone do any writing. I was so tired I couldn’t even remember what I had written last. But I tried. I figured even a few hundred words would be something.

Then something came over me, possibly inspiration, and I was so excited that I forgot to eat breakfast!

My fingers worked their magic, despite my furry muse wanting to give me a morning massage, whilst I was trying to type!



Right in front of my keyboard!

We also had the first of several playdates in the afternoon!

Word Count: 2523

Day 22

A little more awake today, and words got written! Though as I write, I wonder how much will actually stay in the end result… after final edits etc. Actually, why am I thinking about that? I need to finish the first draft yet!!!



Writing in bed!


Word Count: 2718

Day 23

It was a manic kinda day today. I had words to write, a house to clean, words to write, five kids to occupy with the sleepover, words to write… you get my drift?

I’m not actually sure what I wrote today, whether it made any sense at all, and I was a little annoyed with myself that I didn’t it 2,500, but I was close, and having over achieved on previous days, theoretically, I was still on target!

Word Count: 2430

Day 24

Typical kids! You’d think that after being up so late, they would sleep in? That was the hope. That Hubby Dearest would go to work, and I’d get, maybe an undisturbed hour, two if I was lucky, to write something at least.

But no. They were all up by 8.30am!

So, fed and watered, I left them to it and camped on the dining room table to try and write a bit more., with my furry muse to keep me company.



I got this!


They departed after lunch, then we had another little friend coming to visit, and I had to be sociable with her mum for a couple of hours, so writing time cut short… again! but still…

Word Count: 2549

Day 25

There’s a chance we’ll be busy this weekend, bank holiday and all, so I decided to really focus. After writing a bit, I cleaned the house. I wrote more, then fed the kids lunch. Then I showered and wrote even more!

Sonu Singh tried hard to distract me…



How can you ignore that face?



Then he decided to commandeer an old laptop – If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em!


As I looked at my word count, it dawned on me that I had, in less than the 30 days that NaNoWriMo allows, written over 50,000 new words! OMG!




How did that happen?!


Word Count: 3171

Day 26

I contemplated a day of no writing today… I was shattered. A late night, followed by an early wake-up call from my Finnish family meant I was running on empty. Yet I had to get this section complete. I still didn’t end it where I wanted yet, but managed a few words at least!

Word Count: 1021

Day 27

I decided, as I was shattered, that I needed a day off!

Word Count:  0

Taking everything into account this means I wrote 14,412 words this week, and the #RiNoWriMo word count stands at

51,379 words in four weeks!

4 days to go!

Enjoy your creativity Peeps, and I’ll be back with another update next week!

(I still have the uniform labelling to do!)

#RiNoWriMo – Week 3 #canidothis? #SundayBlogShare

Instead of boring you each day, and I really have had to stop myself, I thought I would do a weekly post to let you know whether I have managed to accomplish what I wanted during this creative month of August that I have named, #RiNoWriMo! (Ritu’s Novel Writing Month).

Back home and hoping to get back to 2,000/2,500 words a day, if I can manage it! Still got to keep the kids occupied though, I don’t have the luxury of sending them to the grandparents for days at a time this week, and we have a wedding to attend, so a couple of days may have to be written off!

Day 14

I was relieved when Hubby Dearest decided against working from home today. Him getting up and going signals time for me to write!

I still had shopping to do, the cupboards were bare when we arrived back home yesterday, and there was cleaning and laundry to do too!

But first things first, writing time! Split it into two sittings, but I managed!

Word Count: 2511

Day 15

He did it again. Threw me first thing by announcing he was working from home! But I left him to it and settled myself on a table in the living room.

I had a throbbing foot, where I managed to lose a toenail the day before (thanks, Lil Princess for stepping on my foot – hard!)

The plan is to write and maybe visit the nail place, today or tomorrow, to get a refresh done before the wedding on Saturday.

It was hard today, the words weren’t flowing in the same way as they had previously. Possibly because I was writing about a place and situation that I hadn’t experienced myself.

I find it so much easier to draw on past experiences when writing. It’s not an autobiography by any stretch of the imagination, but I feel that the realism shows clearly when I  can relate to what I am writing about!

Still, I had my determined hat on and I managed!

Word Count: 2597

Day 16

Great start to today! Hubby at work, kids still asleep, and it’s early.

I’m hoping to be productive again today!

And boy was I!

Word Count: 2802!

Day 17

I wasn’t sure I’d be up to writing today, to be honest. Been caught with a dodgy tummy the night before, I was shattered, and didn’t think I had it in me.

But I waved Hubby Dearest off to work, settled the kids down for the morning, with activities they wanted, and had a go. Smashed it!

Word Count: 2568

Day 18

I woke up feeling dog tired, literally!

But determined to get something done, I set myself up. The kids interrupted, as usual, and then I had housework to get done too.

And even though it took a little longer than previous days, I managed,

Word Count: 2637

Day 19

We’re going to a wedding reception today, and staying out. Will I get anything done? I have shopping to do before we go, as well as packing, since we are staying out for the night….

Ok, so I cheated a little. Well, actually, it’s not cheating, but rather forward planning. I knew I wouldn’t get time today, so the day before, I kept on finding time to go and write. And I added this much to it, to count towards today’s word count!

Word Count: 2556

Day 20

Today I felt like curling up into a little ball and hibernating, but I couldn’t! I was so tired from the wedding, late night, and then even though we stayed close by, we still needed to get up and drive home.

I totted up my numbers and decided I deserved a writing free day (apart from my post, obviously 😉 ) Took advice from my friend Spidey, who was extremely wise yesterday. If you didn’t get a chance, read his wisdom here!

Word Count: 0

Taking everything into account this means I wrote 15,671 words this week, and the #RiNoWriMo word count stands at

36,967 words in three weeks!

And not only that, I have managed to push my WIP to over 50,000 words! Eeek! How did that happen!?!

One and a half weeks to go!

Enjoy your creativity Peeps, and I’ll be back with another update next week!

#RiNoWriMo – Week 2 #canidothis? #MondayBlogs

Instead of boring you each day, and I really have had to stop myself, I thought I would do a weekly post to let you know whether I have managed to accomplish what I wanted during this creative month of August that I have named, #RiNoWriMo! (Ritu’s Novel Writing Month).

As I said in my last #RiNoWriMo post, found here, going to my parents means I expect much-reduced productivity this week, even though they are all rooting for me to continue writing… let’s see. I’m not expecting 2,500+ words this week, but even if I get 1,000 a day, I’ll be happy!

Day 7

Up early, but got a jam packed day today, what with packing for my week-long trip to my parents, and getting the house in some semblance of order before we leave. Also need to deposit Lil Man at a cricket match, slap bang in the middle of the day too! The ironing beckons, as does the hoover, and my Surface is waving too, saying, “Wanna write?”

Of course, I want to, but will I get a chance?

Squeezed a little time in the morning and managed to write a few words.

Word count today: 1151

Day 8

Wasn’t sure if I’d get a chance to write at all today, with the travelling, and then subsequent socialising with my parents, catching up on things, but I did manage!

I woke up, and after Hubby Dearest left for work, before the kids rose, I quickly powered up my Surface. An hour later, I had written another chapter!

Word count today: 1059

Day 9

First day in Birmingham with my parents. I had fallen asleep early the previous night, it was exhausting, all that driving!

But an early night meant a good night’s sleep, and I was up early, so got typing… We were going swimming later, and keeping the kids busy so I knew it was my only option!

Word count today: 1166

Day 10

Another day of plans, including taking Lil MAn to Edgbaston, to see some cricket shops, and the Warwickshire stadium. And a little shopping to keep Lil Princess happy! She alsy asked me to read some of the story to her, so censoring it slightly, I read some of the later chapters. She told me this: “At school they say if the words you hear or read create a picture in your mind, then that is a good thing. I have a whole picture in my mind now! I can imagine it all!” Felt pretty chuffed at my 9-year old Beta’ reader’s opinion!



My writing station this week!


Squeezed some writing in too though!

Word count today: 1105

Day 11

We’re off to the cinema later tonight, and, though I am a little too much into the ‘holiday’ mode of being at home, I needed to get myself focussed, for a short while at least! Amidst kids waking and wanting attentions, helping Pops with some technical issues, and talking to family on the phone, I got some words down!

Word count today: 1230

Day 12

Am I ever going to manage to write today? Woke early, with all good intentions, and ended up reading most of the manuscript to both kids, as Lil Man wanted to hear the story too. We got half way, then stopped for a late breakfast. I had every intention of writing after, then he decided he wanted to hear more. Read with him until lunch time!

That’s the whole morning gone, but at least I had some good feedback from them both!

And I did manage to sneak a little writing time too.

Word count today: 1140

Day 13

Travelling back home, so not sure what time I’ll have to write today!

No, scrap that, I made time, first thing, as I had woken up early.

Word count today: 1138


So, the total number of words written in my first 2 weeks of #RiNoWriMo?


I am amazed. my WIP is now nearly 35,000 words long!

Another two and a half weeks to go. Here’s hoping that word count just keeps on rising!

Have a creative week Peeps! I’ll be back with another update next Monday!

#RiNoWriMo – Week 1 #canidothis? #MondayBlogs

Instead of boring you each day, and I really have had to stop myself, I thought I would do a weekly post to let you know whether I have managed to accomplish what I wanted during this creative month of August that I have named, #RiNoWriMo! (Ritu’s Novel Writing Month).

It’s not been easy, getting back into the swing of a WIP that was started so long ago!

As it is set in 2000, I need to strip 17 years away to think what I wanted, to remember the way things were then, to keep the time authenticity too!

Day 1

Well, all my organisation and planning didn’t allow for a pair of kids who have recently been sleeping until 9 or 10 am to decide that it was the day to wake early! Lil Princess was up at 5 am! I managed to get her back down until 6, but then she was hungry!

To stop Hubby Dearest getting disturbed, I trudged downstairs with my book and phone, to feed her and check my notifications. By 7 am Lil Man had joined us. He was starving too apparently (what is the matter with these kids? do I not feed them enough?!)

After giving everyone their food I resigned myself to not being able to write today. Hubby Dearest was suffering a headache and was off at home too.

But in the end, I decided that I had to do this, even if it was only to read through my old pages and notes.

I read my scrawly notes (just about) and my manuscript so far. Hmm, not bad, even if I do say so myself! In currently has 13304 words in it. I know that in #NaNoWriMo, there is a hope that writers will reach 50,000 by the end of the month. Would I be able to do that?

1667 words a day over 30 days. Now I know that August has one extra day, but the thing is, I have a life too! We have weddings and functions to attend at the weekends and there is also the week I will be spending in Birmingham with my parents.

If I discounted the weekends and worked on the premise of 20 weekdays, I would need to be writing around 2,500 words a day to reach that 50,000-word mark. Eeek! Well, I can but try! Reach for the moon, they say, you’ll always land among the stars!

I managed to tap out 1000 once I started, before stopping at 10.30 am for a cuppa.

Then I decided I needed to rewrite my notes, so they were legible!

A skeleton timeline was etched out, character profiles for the main characters that have already entered into the action. Then I thought it would also be a good idea to actually plan the rest of the story, so I knew what I was aiming for,

You see, 17 years ago, when I started this, I was a total novel writing virgin (not that I have popped that cherry yet, but I feel like I am much more knowledgeable now, due to all the wonderful input from my author friends!) so I started writing and let whatever wanted to happen, write itself on my screen, via my fingers, of course!

I had an idea. I knew where it started, what I wanted to happen, kinda, and where it would go. There was even an element of an ending too, but there was no real detail.

So pre-lunch, that was what I did. Gave my story a real frame to work on! Oh my I wish I had a huge wall to stick my post-its all over!

IMG_20170731_215007_198I may go into town tomorrow and buy a huge bit of card to make a storyboard!

Anyway, after lunch, I carried on. And wrote a quick ‘advice needed’ post too! (About how to handle a different language in my story… brackets, footnotes or glossary!)

I also took down the original chapters from my blog. If I am going to finish this, I want to to be as fresh as possible, with no remnants of the old version!

And my word count was… 2503!

Day 2

Kids slept in finally, Hubby Dearest was at home, again, but I got my writing done before lunch!

Been into town and bought a HUGE whiteboard to use as my working storyboard too!

Check it out! I started with taping lines on the whiteboard side but it wasn’t working…


Then DayI remembered I had some blackboard film, so I covered it and used some of my prized patterned gaffer tape to make this!


Word count today … 2500!

Day 3

No kids, they stayed at the grandparents today. Hubby Dearest still working from home.

I started a little later, thinking I wouldn’t hit my limit before I had to go and get the kids for a play-date, but look!

Word count today… 2597!

Day 4

Finally, I had the house to myself. Kids still with grandparents, and Hubby Dearest went into work!.

But I had a little pal who wanted to snuggle on the bed, so we had a change of writing location today!


And the promise to myself of a quiet sit at a cafe with my book later, got me writing again.

Word count today… 2599!

Over 10,000 words in four days! I am gobsmacked! I think I deserve a weekend off!

Day 5

Yes yes, I know I said I deserve a weekend off, but when all is quiet and there is a chance to write… why not!

Snuck in another writing session in between doing the grocery shopping and going to a function at the temple! Then again in the evening when Hubby Dearest was out and the kids were busy watching a film!

Word count today… 2049!

Day 6

I didn’t think I would have the energy to even look at a screen today. Slept really badly, and plus, being Sunday, I thought I would take a back step.

But you can’t hold words back when they want to be written! I managed another hour or so of writing, interspersed with some research, before heading off to the cinema for a girlie afternoon out, watching Girls Trip!

Word count today… 1053!

So, this brings me to the start of another week. I don’t know how much will get written, given that I will be at my parents, but they are very supportive of my writing, and my mum has set a space at the dining table for me to write, while she keeps the kids occupied for an hour or two a day! Bless her!

Oh, and so you know… I wrote a total of

13307 words

this week! That is more than I started with six days ago! My WIP is now over 26,000 words long! See, if you put your mind to it, have supportive people around you, and have the time, you can do it!

I’ll be back with an update next week Peeps!

My interactive peeps!