#SoCS October 1, 2021 – inspire/aspire/expire – Oh And Half A Million People Have Viewed my Blog!

Linda’s (or, actually, Dan’s) prompt for SoCS this week:

Your Friday prompt for Stream of Consciousness Saturday is “inspire/aspire/expire.” Use them in any form you like. Use one, use two or use them all if you want. If you use two, you get bonus points! If you use all three, Cheryl will put your next drink on David’s tab. Enjoy!

I aspire to inspire as many of my pupils and readers as I can, before I expire!


Got em all out in one sentence! Surely there should be another bonus point for that…? Or, maybe a visit to Dan, Cheryl and David!

Anywho, about that sentence. It’s filled with truth.

Ever since I can remember, that has been my hope and dream. To teach, to inspire children to love learning, and books. To know that words hold may meanings. And, the same hope is there with the words I write, on here, my blog, as well as in my poems and stories.

Yesterday, I received a notification that my blog had hit 500K views. That is Half A Million clicks to my little baby blog.

I was gobsmacked, humbled, but a tad excited.

It did make me wonder, though. What makes people come to visit my blog… or what makes readers keep coming back?

I am so grateful to everyone who does come on over to my little space, and I do hope that a little smile is spread whenever you read.

I hope Spidey inspires someone, along the way. I hope my book reviews point you towards a next read. I hope my Chai and Chats are a little glimmer of the real life of a mum, wife, teacher and aspiring author… I hope your interest in my blog never expires.

I hope you have fun. 😃

Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku Challenge #48 – Inspire and Loss


Its that time again! Ronovan’s Weekly Haiku Challenge! Check it out!

Don’t know what to do…
Feeling loss is just too much
Inspire me to live…

But I Smile Anyway...

My interactive peeps!