Sonu Singh Samples Cake!

February for us is not just the month of love, but also the month of birthdays. No less than 5 members of our family, and close members at that, have their special birthdays in this month.

This means plenty of fun, celebrations, headache when selecting presents, and cake.

Not to be left out, the other day Sonu Singh tried some sponge. I know it is not a good thing for a cat, but he was so intrigued, a tiny nibble satisfied his curiosity!


There were also helium balloons present, a gift from someone else, which scared the BeJesus out of him! It’s been two days and he is still spooked! He comes into the living room and looks at the spot where they were, then darts out again! We realised they were freaking him out so we had moved them into the porch where he can’t see them but he is still slightly hesitant. Silly, but sweet kitty!

Flat out!

wpid-20150810_230433.jpgI think this is one chilled kitty over here!

Knocked out!



Love that cat!

My interactive peeps!