Lost Esther’s #WritingPrompt

Hi all!

It’s been a while, but I just read one of Esther’s prompts, and it led me to want to post a story I wrote a little while back. I think it would be ideal for her prompt below. If you want to take part, please go and visit her post, here!


Something has been lost. Perhaps it’s something expensive like a piece of jewellery. Or it may seem worthless – like a letter. But maybe it’s a love letter or a letter from a grandparent who has now died, so it’s precious to the owner of the letter. A person could be lost – in a new city or country. Or a parent might have lost their child while out somewhere. Interpret it how you wish.

Esther Chilton

Lost and Found

The rusted bunch of keys were unearthed as Coco, our chocolate labrador, enthusiastically dug up the flowerbed at my in-laws house.
"Oh, Coco, that really wasn't a good idea!" I sighed, watching a prize rose bush tilt to one side. They weren't best enamoured of our decision to get a dog, and it had taken a lot of convincing to allow us to bring Coco to their garden. 
It was around then I heard a thud, which sounded unlike the rest of the muted thumps that followed the clods of soil she had already flung everywhere.
The caked-on mud began to flake off as I gingerly picked up the mystery bunch of keys.
Whose were these?
What were they for?
How long had they been there?

"Oh, my goodness!" Great. She had to come out, now, didn't she? "My roses! That was the rose bush Neville planted for me when we moved in!"  Shirley, my mother-in-law, rushed over to inspect the damage. "You stupid mutt. See, Tilly, this is why-"
Her voice halted as she noticed what was in my hand.
"Where did you find those?" Shirley reached over to pick up the keys.
"Are you okay, Mum? You're looking a bit pale." 
Keys forgotten, I was more concerned by the look of shock on her face. She hadn't coped well since losing Neville, my father-in-law. 
Leading her to the patio, I settled her on a chair, Coco bounding along and settling beside me, not wanting to miss anything.
Shirley just sat there, staring at the keys. 
"Tilly, please, tell me where you found these?"
"Well, actually, it wasn't me." I glanced over at our canine excavator. "It was Coco."
Then, something happened that I would never have guessed.
She slipped off the chair and wrapped her arms around the dog, who, eager to join in with any enthusiastic affection, licked Shirley's face.
"You clever, clever thing." Her voice was muffled, what with her face being buried in Coco's fur.
All I could do was look on in confusion as the woman who hated dogs spent what felt like forever, showering more affection on Coco, than I'd even seen her give to her own son!
Eventually, she stood up, a small smile playing across her lips.
"Come with me, Tilly." She led me to an old brick building at the back of the garden, covered in ivy and other creeping plants. I'd never paid much attention to the construction before.
In fact, I hadn't realised there was even a door behind all the greenery growing over it.
Pulling at some of the vines, Shirley uncovered a door covered in flaky paint. She brushed off the mud from the keys and slowly selected one to unlock the door.
A satisfying click signalled the unlocking.
The door creaked as she pushed it open into a cavernous space. The only light came from the open door. 
She felt along a wall and tried to flick a light switch, but nothing happened.
"Hold on, mum." I fished my phone out of my pocket and switched on the torch.
There was what appeared to be the usual accumulation of junk found in sheds and garages, but everything was caked in decades of dust.
Shirley honed in on a specific corner, followed by Coco the explorer, keen to discover new delights.
She lifted a dust sheet and revealed a leather-bound trunk.
Another key chosen, she inserted it into the lock on the trunk, and, as the unlocking click sounded, I heard her sudden intake of breath.
I helped her to lift the lid, which needed a little coaxing, and then stepped back.
I didn't know what was in there, but it felt like she needed some space. My phone was still providing the light, so I kept my arm outstretched so she could look inside.
Later, over a cup of tea, Shirley told me the story of her great, great grandmother, Amelia Featherstone,  who lived a life unheard of in her time, travelling the world, exploring unknown locations. She had amassed a collection of artefacts that had been stored in that trunk, and two others; priceless items that held both sentimental and monetary value.
The trunks had been passed down over the generations, and she had been so excited at the thought of passing these trunks onto her children, but, the keys to both the outbuilding, and the shed, disappeared many years ago, not long after she and Neville had married, and moved into her parents' house.
"Oh, Neville. He must have dropped the keys when he planted the roses for me." She looked upwards as if addressing him. "You never forgave yourself for losing those keys. They were the last link between me and my family history. But look," she held her hand out, displaying the keys,  "they were never lost, simply being kept safe by your beautiful roses."
She sat back in her chair. "You know, Tilly, life works in mysterious ways. There was a time, before Neville's business took off, that we struggled."
This was news to me. I'd never seen the woman struggle once, since marrying into the family. They'd always appeared affluent, Harry had a blissful childhood, or so he said 
"Had these keys been with us, I fear we may have had to sell the items inside, to survive. Thankfully, this was all before the children were born. Somehow, we muddled through, and look, we still have all of Amelia's treasures, too"
She placed her hand on Coco's head, again, who sat, patiently, awaiting a treat. "She's a good girl. Maybe I need to get a pup, too." 

Ritu 2024

What A Pallaver!

Oh poor me!!! Oh poor injured me!!!


Deep scratch to arm, from barbed wire in the garden, and a bruised shin and twisted ankle… What have I been up to?

Well I can thank my dearest Kitty Sonu Singh for these lovely injuries!

We have recently been discussing the pros and cons of getting a cat flap, as he loves going in the garden. And today he decided it would be a good idea to hop over some fence or another… Thing was we don’t have the cat flap yet, and can’t close the house up until we know he’s back. 

Dinner was on the table, so I told a worried Hubby dearest to eat, we could leave the door open and let him have his exploring time.

But part way through dinner Hubby Dearest couldn’t wait and went to have a look for him. He found him alright, stuck behind the fence at the back of our house. It is a barbed wire fence along the top, and there is brambles and bushes, and a railway line a bit set back. He had somehow climbed over, and hadn’t a clue how to get over again!

Thing is we have no access to that area. What to do? We tried coaxing him, Hubby Dearest was ready with wire cutters to cut the fence down, then I remembered our lovely neighbours mentioning getting behind there before… 

So  a visit to next door, and we had the lovely man from there trying to find Sonu Singh who was not coming out for anyone he didn’t know! Hubby Dearest then went over and after 20 minutes and countless treats we got him!

But not before me scratching myself on the barbed wire, and falling off the chair I was standing on to find him, and Hubby catching himself on wire and brambles too!

Oh, and don’t ask me about the kids, who were worried sick!

Thankfully that little monkey is back home now…


Looking a bit sheepish, he is now! And goodness knows what fleas he’ll have picked up!!! 

I envisage waking tomorrow to many aches and pains!! 

Not great considering I am meeting my baby nephew for the first time too tomorrow!!!!! 
Oh Sonu Singh, what am I going to do with you??!!

Little lost ball…

At the prom again today.
Lil Man and Hubby Dearest were playing football a tad close to the riverside…



Can you see it? Let me enlarge it for you…


There! That orange blob!

His favorite ball… Off to discover lands anew!


Can you find it now? It's there somewhere!!!

But I Smile Anyway...

My interactive peeps!