#WritePhoto – Mists

Sue’s #WritePhoto Prompt this week:

I thought I’d continue the adventures of Barbie and Ken.
Ken sat staring out across the fields, deep in thought, as the sun began to set. Mists clouded his vision, as the hours passed, so he closed his eyes and began to ponder…
Did she really love him, or was she taking him for a total fool? He wracked his brains daily, trying to fulfil her every need and dream, and nothing was ever enough…
Maybe it was time.
Time to join his boys back in the dating ring.
There were plenty of other girls out there; take Sindy, she was always giving him the eye. Sweet, simple Sindy. She looked like the appreciative type. She’d love all his attempts at showing his affection.
“Ken! Mate! Wake up!”
“What?!” Joey hadn’t been with him under the tree? Ken opened his eyes in confusion.
“Mate, you are red as a lobster, man!” Slowly the mist-like steam cleared and the silhouette of his best mate became clearer. “You know you’re only meant to be in here for, like, half an hour at a time! You’ve been sat in here for 3 hours!”
It all came back to him… They’d come to the gym for a workout, and sauna, and were meant to be meeting the girls for drinks in the bar after.
“And you need to get your skates on… Barbie’s screwing out there! She’s been waiting for you for the last 20 minutes!” Joey left the sauna, and more steam escaped with him.
Barbie? Kept waiting? Oh man, he was really going to get it in the neck tonight!
To be continued…


My interactive peeps!