The Annual Bloggers Bash Awards 2019 Vote is LIVE! – The Annual Bloggers Bash

Only a few days left to cast your votes Peeps!

There are so many wonderful blogs to choose from, please, get on it before the closing date of 24th April!

And if you’re feeling the Ritu-love, this blog, But I Smile Anyway, has been nominated under Best Book Review Blog – we would truly appreciate a vote!

It’s that time of year again… The 2019 Annual Bloggers Bash Awards are now open. As always, we had a huge number of nominations. So let me thank everyone who took the time to nominate t…

Source: The Annual Bloggers Bash Awards 2019 Vote is LIVE! – The Annual Bloggers Bash


What are you waiting for? Get your nominations in!


Last Chance to Vote for the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards! #BloggersBash

I know, I am sorry, bombarding you all with voting pleas, but if I don’t do it, who else will?!

Today is the final day to vote. There are many categories to nominate within and there are a whole host of fantastic blogs to lend your support to! If you haven’t already please vote for your favourite blogs now! It would mean a huge amount to all involved! But be quick… the voting polls close at 12 noon UK time!

My Lil Ol’ Blog has been nominated for Best Overall Blog!

Apologies in advance if you have already voted, but if you haven’t, your vote counts for a lot! Whether it is for me or one of my friends, please head over to Sacha’s post here to click your choice!

The deadline is 2nd June so please, vote soon!
If you’re looking to attend, the Bash is in London on Saturday 10th June and you can get your tickets here!
Find out more about the Bash here!
Thanking you in advance for your support Peeps!!!

What To Wear To The ABBA’s! #BloggersBash

It’s exciting!

The ABBA’s are around the corner!

Who will I get to meet again? Who will I meet for the first time?

What will I wear??

Well, I managed to solve that one already!

I placed an order for some business cards… get me! All professional, like!

And then I ended up with a Personalised tee-shirt too!

And there was the offer of a personalised card holder… couldn’t resist!

That’s me sorted! I can mingle, chat and network at the same time!



Cards AND tee-shirt, woohoo!


Now, it’s a great tee and all that, but I’m more of a v-neck gal, and there wasn’t the option to buy v-neck. I am also not really a sewer, so after a virtual trip to YouTube, I made my own!



Excuse the creases but yay! I like it much better now!


And not to be selfish, the cat got the box!


Time Is Ticking – Votes Need Casting!

Some of you will be aware that last week Sacha Black announced the nominees for the Annual Bloggers Bash Awards, or the ABBA’s as they are fondly known!


Amazingly, I have been nominated under the Best Overall Blog category!

The criteria:
This award is for the blogger who has the best overall blog. Who is the blogger that for you, excels in a variety of categories? Perhaps they’re sociable and engage with readers, maybe they share others posts, or have a writing style that keeps you coming back time and time again.
Whoever you choose needs to be an all rounder, a blogger that for you is head and shoulders above the rest.

Flattered? Why yes of course I am!

Nervous? Hell yeah! Have you seen my competition? There are some amazing HUGE blogs in the running, and I count some of the bloggers as friends, not the competition!

Still, I have to do my bit, and I am launching my vote appeal. Apologies in advance if you have already voted, but if you haven’t, your vote counts for a lot! Whether it is for me or one of my friends, please head over to Sacha’s post here to click your choice!


The deadline is 2nd June so please, vote soon!

If you’re looking to attend, the Bash is in London on Saturday 10th June and you can get your tickets here!

Find out more about the Bash here!

Thanking you in advance for your support Peeps!!!


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