#JusJoJan – January 9th, 2018 – Coffee

Day nine of #JusJoJan!

I’m going to try to write on each of the prompts!

Today the prompt is:

Your prompt for January 9th, 2018, brought to you by the lovely Barbara, is “Coffee.” Use it any way you’d like in your post. And make sure you visit Barbara at her blog, “TeleportingWeena link: https://teleportingweena.wordpress.com/

Thanks Barbara!!


I can’t stand coffee!

It just doesn’t taste good to me.

I am firmly a tea drinker.

Being as I am an Indian, born in England to Kenyan-born Indian parents, I think there is a heck of a lot of tea culture flowing in my veins! After all, tea is the drink of the British and the Indians, and tea grows in India, and Kenya… (Though Kenya is a coffee-growing nation too!)

But then when I see people drinking coffee, they appear much more grown up. Does that make sense to you?

It’s as if my naturally sweet palate can’t take the bitterness of the coffee beans.

I have tried it, sipped tiny sips, attempted coffee cake, and even sweets, but no!

And if I was to find that random coffee sweet in a Marvels packet – I want to be sick!

One of the hardest experiences in my life?

I worked for a call centre for Nestle, and we dealt with the catering side of the business, and in order to be able to discuss the various coffees Nescafe have to offer, we were invited to head office to have a coffee tasting session!

The rest of the team knew I hated the stuff and they watched me throughout the morning, as I was subjected to what felt like hundreds of tiny cups of various coffees. And the worst thing? I couldn’t just quickly swallow it either! There was a need to swill it around the mouth, kind of like wine-tasting, the writing down how it tasted on all parts of the tongue! Ewww!

Having said that I can’t stand the stuff, I am pretty okay at making a decent cup, apparently!

I make Hubby Dearest a daily cup in his travel mug to take to work, and I can make a frothy coffee by hand, after being taught by an employer from a long time ago, who liked her coffee sweet and milky. I used to add the coffee and sugar, a drop pr two of milk and then whip it up a frenzy, until it was a creamy foam at the bottom of the cup. When the water was added, and the extra milk, it was almost cappuccino-like!

But no, I definitely don’t want to drink the stuff myself.

Then you get my 12-year-old son who loves the taste of coffee sweets, and I won’t allow him to drink coffee regularly, as I think he is too young for caffeine (no, my kids don’t drink soft drinks either, unless its a very special occasion!) but when he gets a chance, a Latte from Costa is his thing!

Is he more grown up than me? Oo-er!

But no thank you – I’ll stick to my cup of Chai!


See you tomorrow! Oh, and yesterday at school was a manic day, as I thought it would be, but I’m still here, as I always am, and am counting the days to the weekend lol!

If you want to find a full list of rules and the daily prompts visit here.


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My interactive peeps!