Tightrope Walker by Shaun Hume – #BookReview #BookBlogger #MondayBlogs

A while ago I was contacted by an author, Shaun Hume, asking me if I would be interested in reading one of his books. Ewan Pendle and the White Wraith. (Read my review here!)

It wasn’t a genre that I would pick myself, but as a recent convert to YA fiction, thanks to Shelley Wilson, I thought I’d give it a go!

I surprised myself. This Harry Potter-esque book made me want to go and read more of this type of fiction! (Sequel out, tentatively in October 2018!). Last week Shaun reached out to me with regards to another of his books, Tightrope Walker. It is another YA book, but different to Ewan Pendle’s story.


The  official Blurb…

Hetta is a Tightrope Walker. A leader of armies. She has been one all her life. But Hetta has just turned thirteen, and there has never been a thirteen year old Tightrope Walker. Ever. Is she too old to do her duty? Is she too old to walk upon the field of battle and survive?

My Amazon and Goodreads review – ⭐⭐⭐⭐

This isn’t the usual type of fiction I read, but having really, and surprisingly, enjoyed Hume’s other book Ewan Pendle and the White Wraith, I wanted to give it a go.
Hetta is a girl with a lot of power for a child so young, having been blessed with a skill as a Tightrope Walker. No really knowing what she is able to do, she has been drawn into many battles, leading her army to victory.
What I liked about this was that we still don’t really know what she is, and the end of the story leaves you dangling, waiting to see what she finds out about her powers.
Lots of emotive language used to describe events and a cliff hanger ending to whet your appetite for the next instalment!

Get it on Amazon here!



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