Colleen’s 2019 Weekly #Tanka Tuesday #Poetry Challenge No. 122

As I said yesterday, the challenges are back on after a month off!

Today it is Colleen’s turn, with her Tanka Tuesday which is not just about Tankas, but rather a chance to use different syllabic poetic forms.

Usually, she gives us two words which we need to use synonyms of within our verses… but on the first Tuesday of the month, we get free rein, and this month, the suggestion was to think of love related poems, as Valentine’s is so close…

Colleen recently introduced us to a new form, called a Haiga, where the words, usually a haiku or senryu, are echoed by an image, traditionally painted, but nowadays, can be a photo too.

I thought I’d try the traditional way, and even painted my own quick watercolour to go with it! It’s simplistic but effective, I hope!

A senryu for you all.

My words are Together and Heart

Two Hearts By Ritu
Two hearts beating fast
Ten fingers firmly entwined
One life together

Ritu 2019

My interactive peeps!