#BookReview – Victor by Sacha Black @sacha_black

I’ve been reading plenty this year, but recently, events beyond my control meant that I was so tired, I couldn’t stay awake long enough to read more than a couple of pages of any book every night.

Now, usually, I can’t read in a moving car. Trains and planes are fine, but reading in a car gives me headaches and nausea.

This time, however, I tried to read, and, lo and behold, no headache or sickness!!! I managed to plough through a WHOLE book in the car on my way to see Pops!

And that book was none other than the sequel to Sacha Black’s Keepers, named Victor.

Read the review of book one here!

Victor (The Eden East Novels Book 2) by [Black, Sacha]

Here’s the info.

When Eden East kills someone, she expects them to stay dead. It’s only polite, after all.
Exhausted from battle and finally bound to her soulmate, all Eden wants to do is attend university and spend time with Trey. When her demon-ex, Victor, suddenly returns from the afterlife, Eden’s convinced he’s out for revenge. The last thing she expects is for him to ask for help, especially when he’s being controlled by evil forces.
But when an enchanted lock and key go missing, she’s no longer sure who she can trust. If Eden can’t find them in time, not only will her life, and her heart, be torn apart, the very world she lives in could be destroyed – forever.
Victor will transport fans of The Red Queen, The Young Elites, and The Lunar Chronicles to a world unlike any other…
The Eden East Novels:
  • Book 0 – Sirens (coming soon)
  • Book 1 – Keepers
  • Book 2 – Victor

And here’s my review…

Star rating – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

It’s been a while now since Keepers was published. I devoured that and was waiting eagerly for the next instalment, Victor.
And I can honestly say I was not disappointed at all.
The story picked up from the end of Keepers and within moments of opening the first page, I was right back in the action.
Beautifully written, with evocative language, Black kept me on the edge of my (car) seat the whole way through the book. I could feel the emotions and picture the scenes within my mind.
I loved the developing relationship between Eden, the protagonist, and her Balancer, Trey (who, might I say, is a hero of dreams!)
The constant reappearances of the should-be-dead Victor had me racing through the pages.
And the ending… Oh My!
Trutinor, what is going to happen?! (Don’t worry, no spoilers here, but WHAT AN ENDING!)
I am now going to be constantly checking for news of book three! Hurry up Sacha Black!

Reviewed on Amazon – Here and Goodreads – Here

Buy your copy here.

If you don’t know Sacha, why not?

She is blogging event organiser extraordinaire, being the birth mother of the Annual Bloggers Bash and Awards, and an author of four books, two fiction, and two non-fiction, with more due soon! And she is a loving wife and mother too, to top it off!

Sacha Black has five obsessions; words, expensive shoes, conspiracy theories,  self-improvement, and breaking the rules. She also has the mind of a perpetual sixteen-year-old, only with slightly less drama and slightly more bills.
Sacha writes books about people with magical powers and other books about the art of writing. She lives in Hertfordshire, England, with her wife and genius, giant of a son.
When she’s not writing, she can be found laughing inappropriately loud, blogging, sniffing musty old books, fangirling film and TV soundtracks, or thinking up new ways to break the rules.

Find out more about Sacha and her books here.

I do love Sacha, she has been ace at giving me, ahem, gentle nudges when it came to getting that first draft finished too!


#BookReview – Oath Breaker by Shelley Wilson @ShelleyWilson72

I am indebted to Shelley Wilson.


Last year I was encouraged to read her Guardians trilogy, Young Adult Fantasy fiction. This is a genre I have never been pulled towards in the past. But, as a fan of Shelley’s blogs, I thought I’d give them a go.

I wasn’t disappointed at all!



Thrilled to meet Shelley at the Annual Blogger’s Bash in 2016 and 2017 (captured above)! She’s the tall one!!!


In fact, since then, I have read a few others from the YA Genre, including Sacha Black’s Keepers, and I haven’t been disappointed.

I was thrilled to hear that Shelley had written a new story, which would develop into another series of books, Oath Breaker.

Now YA fantasy fiction is one thing. Werewolves are another. I have to confess (sorry Shelley) but Twilight and the suchlike have never been on my radar, and I wasn’t sure how I would enjoy this…


Shelley, why did I even doubt you?

The blurb…

Will she follow the pack…
Or will she destroy them?
A dead mother.
A violent father.
A missing brother.
When Mia’s father is murdered, it’s her estranged uncle that comes to the rescue, but what he offers her in return for his help could be worse than the life she is leaving behind.
Taken to Hood Academy, a unique school deep in the forest, she discovers friendships, love, and the courage to stand on her own.
As she trains hard, Mia takes the oath that seals her future as a werewolf hunter, but not everyone wants Mia to succeed.
Screams in the night. Secret rooms. Hidden letters. Mia becomes an important piece in a game she doesn’t want to play.
Will the truth set her free, or will it destroy her?
**Medallist Winner in the 2017 New Apple Summer E-Book Awards**

Oath Breaker by [Wilson, Shelley]

My Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Imagine living a life of fear, and then watching the object of your fear, gruesomely murdered in front of your eyes?
Then being whisked away to an unfamiliar world, filled with mythical creatures, secrets and betrayals?
That was Mia’s life.
I have to say I loved this book and was pulled into the story of Mia’s life from the off.
There’s love, hate, friendship, hardship, and mystery… All great ingredients for a novel of this genre.
I was rooting for Mia from the off, and my support for her never waned. Not wanting to give any spoilers away, I was thrilled with the ending, and it’s left me thirsty for more.

Goodreads Review – Here

Amazon Review – Here

Check out Shelley’s Amazon page here.

And her bookshop here. Shelley is not only a fantastic YA author but a wonderful motivational writer too.


Come on Shelley Wilson! We need the sequel!

If you want to know more about Shelley Wilson, click here for her full bio and media kit!

Marjorie Mallon – Poetic Inspiration #TheCurseOfTime #BlogTour #Author

Hello there Peeps!

Today I am host to a wonderful blogger who I count as a friend too, especially after having endured the London Underground with her after the Bloggers Bash this year!

Marjorie Mallon!

The purpose of this post is actually that I am supporting her on a Blog Tour for her first book release! Yay!

I asked Marjorie what inspired her writing, and to answer, Marje (that’s what us friends call her!) has penned a poem!

Ritu at But I Smile Anyway,
Asked me ‘What inspires you?’
I scratched my head and replied…..
‘Everything?’ She repeated.
‘What’s everything?’ She asked.
So I said,
‘The sun, the moon and the stars,
Sunsets, Crystals, Cats, Shadows,
Art, Puzzles, Mysteries,
Books, Music, Film, Sculptures,
People, Photography and chit chat.’
‘What kind of chit chat,’ she enquired?
‘The kind that keeps me listening!”
‘Are your ears big?’ she said.
I laughed, grinned and nodded.
She stared at me wide eyed,
So I confessed, ‘My ears eavesdrop.’
‘Blame your lugs,’ she replied.
‘Yes, my lugs are criminals,’ I agreed.
‘Where do your rapscallion ears eavesdrop?’
‘On the bus, on the train, anywhere.’
‘Even at the bloggers bash?’ she cried, in shock.
‘No! Never there! Bloggers code,’ I replied. 
Ha ha, she giggled. ‘Mum’s the word!’
Lol, I tweeted.
‘So that’s it? Inspiration’s end?’ she asked, unsure.
‘No, never!’ I cried, aghast.
‘This is only a beginning and a middle.
Inspiration never stops,
It just grows and bloody grows!’
Retweet, hashtag, Retweet, hashtag.
‘Inspiration bloody grows!’

Isn’t that just a perfect poem? It’s true! Inspiration really does sprout from everywhere!

And now, for the main event…

Marjorie has penned her first book!

The Curse Of Time


The Blurb

On Amelina Scott’s thirteenth birthday, her father disappears under mysterious circumstances. Saddened by this traumatic event, she pieces together details of a curse that has stricken the heart and soul of her family.

Amelina longs for someone to confide in. Her once carefree mother has become angry and despondent. One day a strange black cat and a young girl, named Esme appear. Immediately, Esme becomes the sister Amelina never had. The only catch is that Esme must remain a prisoner, living within the mirrors of Amelina’s house.

Dreams and a puzzling invitation convince Amelina the answer to her family’s troubles lies within the walls of the illusive Crystal Cottage. Undaunted by her mother’s warnings, Amelina searches for the cottage on an isolated Cambridgeshire pathway where she encounters a charismatic young man, named Ryder. At the right moment, he steps out of the shadows, rescuing her from the unwanted attention of two male troublemakers.

With the help of an enchanted paint set, Amelina meets the eccentric owner of the cottage, Leanne, who instructs her in the art of crystal magic. In time, she earns the right to use three wizard stones. The first awakens her spirit to discover a time of legends, and later, leads her to the Bloodstone, the supreme cleansing crystal which has the power to restore the balance of time. Will Amelina find the power to set her family free?

A YA/middle grade fantasy set in Cambridge, England exploring various themes/aspects: Light, darkness, time, shadows, a curse, magic, deception, crystals, art, poetry, friendships, teen relationships, eating disorders, self-harm, anxiety, depression, family, puzzles, mystery, a black cat, music, a mix of sadness, counterbalanced by a touch of humour.

Now, tell me, doesn’t that sound like an amazing book to get a hold of?

Well, luckily for you I have the link for you to pre-order! (I already ordered mine!)

http://amzn.to/2tRPqmn or click here!

The Curse Of Time is available on August 26th… as in tomorrow!!!!!

And I know you would like to know a little more about our lovely featured author, so here you are!

IMG_0565 (3)

Marjorie or M.J. Mallon!

I am a debut author who has been blogging for three years – https://mjmallon.com. My interests include writing, photography, poetry, and alternative therapies. I write Fantasy YA, and middle-grade fiction as well as micropoetry – haiku and tanka. I love to read and have written over 100 reviews: https://mjmallon.com/2015/09/28/a-z-of-my-book-reviews/

My alter ego is MJ – Mary Jane from Spiderman. I love superheros! I was born on the 17th of November in Lion City: Singapore, (a passionate Scorpio, with the Chinese Zodiac sign a lucky rabbit,) second child and only daughter to my proud parents Paula and Ronald.

I grew up in a mountainous court in the Peak District in Hong Kong with my elder brother Donald. My parents dragged me away from my exotic childhood and my much loved dog Topsy to the frozen wastelands of Scotland. In bonnie Edinburgh I mastered Scottish country dancing, and a whole new Och Aye lingo.

As a teenager I travelled to many far-flung destinations to visit my abacus wielding wayfarer dad. It’s rumoured that I now live in the Venice of Cambridge, with my six foot hunk of a Rock God husband, and my two enchanted daughters.

After such an upbringing my author’s mind has taken total leave of its senses!

When I’m not writing, I eat exotic delicacies while belly dancing, or surf to the far reaches of the moon. To chill out, I practise Tai Chi. If the mood takes me I snorkel with mermaids, or sign up for idyllic holidays with the Chinese Unicorn, whose magnificent voice sings like a thousand wind chimes.

What’s not to like Peeps? And the best thing? This is Book One! So that means there is sure to be more fabulousness to come! So, go, get ordering!!!! Watch out for a review on here soon enough!

Book Review – The Guardian Series by Shelley Wilson

I have to honestly say I am generally one for fluffy fiction. I like to lose myself in a cocoon of comedy and romance. Life is harsh enough anyway. Why read serious fiction?

And why even try Young Adult books? I am 41 for crying out loud!

But, as I have been doing for the last year or so, I downloaded a book (or three!) of an unfamiliar genre, as the author had become a good blog pal. I wasn’t sure whether it would be my thing but unless you try, you’ll never know!

And boy was I glad!

I was transported into the mystical world of faes and witches, water sprites and dragons, and adventure. Lots of adventure! The principle character Amber, a normal (or so she thought!) teenage girl, propelled into the realms of the folk she always scoffed at the reality of. And imagine the shock of finding out she was actually one of them too!

Sure it took me a couple of chapters to initially get into the first one, but once I was hooked, that’s it. My whole weekend was devoted to devouring this series of books!

I have already told the kids, who love a bit of Enid Blyton and her Fairy folk, that this will be a set of books for them to read when they are a little older!


My Amazon and Goodreads review – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Young Adult fiction is most definitely not my chosen genre of reading material, but at the recommendation of a friend, I downloaded this book onto my Kindle.
Well, what can I say?
I finished it within a couple of sittings, which for me is pretty good going as I don’t have much time to read!
The author, Shelley Wilson has created some likeable characters, and ones you really want to hate, and moves us through a magical mystery tour of witches, faeries, oracles, necromancers and all sorts of mythical fairy folk!
Once I had read the first couple of chapters, I was hooked, and rooting for our principle character Amber, who goes from normal teenage girl, to someone who possesses amazing hidden powers as the book progresses.
The romance aspect was there, and the climax was almost reached too soon!
I am so glad I already have the sequel ready on my Kindle!
A light, but deep read, if you know what I mean!

Click here ➡ Guardians Of The Dead – Book 1 to buy


My Amazon and Goodreads review – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Having only just finished the first book in the series that very morning, the story was fresh in my mind, and i was so glad that I already had the second downloaded, and ready to read.
I wasn’t disappointed in the least!
What twists and turns Amber and her own little magical army have to face in order to save the day… or do they???
I loved every moment of it, so much so, that I finished it in one day! It was indeed ‘unputdownable’!
The character development that is associated with a sequel was there, the budding romances, the adventure…it was great!
I have already told my children, who love End Blyton and the Fairy Folk, that when they are just a tad older, they should read this!
Number 3 is calling me!

Click here ➡  Guardians Of The Sky – Book 2 to buy


My Amazon and Goodreads review – ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Did I enjoy it? Understatement of the year!
I have just devoured this three part series over this weekend and I have thoroughly enjoyed it.
Following the story of Amber and her friends and family, and the young teenager’s journey of discovery of her mystical powers was strangely addictive!
This volume showed Amber swaying between the Dark and Light Side (no, I’m not talking about Star Wars!) of her powers, and there are times when the twists and turns of the plot really leave you wondering which way the story will go!
Each sequel did the job of recapping briefly on the previous tales, to fill the reader in on the story, and the characters are beautifully described, growing more and more ‘real’ with each sequel.
Sucking me deep into the mystical world of Faes, Witches, Necromancers, Dragons, Sea Serpents and other worldly realms, I can honestly say I was dreaming about magic when I slept in between reading!
Well done Shelley Wilson! A brilliant Trilogy! I wonder… are we to expect any more…? What does the future hold for Amber and her friends?

Click here ➡ Guardians Of The Lost Lands – Book 3 to buy


Shelley is a fellow Brummie lass, though not by birth. She is a mum, and has a cat too! Her work is not just limited to YA fiction but she writes inspirational, self-help and motivational non-fiction books too!

I have one of those on my Kindle already to read too!

Visit Shelley’s Author Page here

Visit Shelley’s blog here

And if you choose to download and read, be sure to leave a review. They are key to all us authors!!!

My interactive peeps!