April 2: Flash Fiction Challenge – Pizza

Charli’s Carrot Ranch fiction prompt!

April 2, 2020, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less), write a story that includes pizza. It can be an original pizza pie (or slice) or something pizza-like. Go where the prompt leads!

Pizza Face

“Stuffed Your Face Pizza. Hmm, that’s an interesting name for the business, Marcus.”
Lorraine was flicking through the pile of newly printed flyers, ready to go out the next morning.
“Let’s just say it has meaning…”
“Well, I hope people stuff their face with your pizza, considering the loan we’ve take, against our home.”
“Oh, it’ll be worth it, all right.” Marcus spread moisturiser on his smooth skin as he thought back to school.
“Oi, Pizza Face! You’re stuffed!” 
Thankfully, the acne that plagued him then, was long gone, and his newest employee was one of the tormentors.

Spidey’s Serene Sunday – Part 210


“If life was easy, where would all the adventures be?” –  Anonymous

Thank you for that, Spidey.

We are about to embark upon another adventure fuelled by life not being easy!

The in-laws are off to India, which means childcare fun… and juggling lots more stuff than usual, as they aren’t here to be the support network they usually are.

It used to be much simpler. The kids were both at school where I worked. I could arrange for them to go to after school club, then leave at a decent time, so things were okay.

Then Lil Man went to Secondary. That year, his friend lived a few moments away, so I’d drop him there every day and pick him up from there too. It was like he had surrogate grandparents.

Last year it changed as his friend moved to a different place.

And so the juggling started. He could walk to my in-laws a few times a week, as my brother-in-law works from home some days, but the others, he had to come to school to me, which means no work gets done, as I am refereeing between the kids instead of doing what I really need to get done.

This year will be much the same, but Lil Princess wants to walk to her grandparents’ house on the days her uncle is home too.


As long as they don’t try and commit murder whilst under his care…

Still, I’m sure we’ll manage.

So… tell me, what adventures are you planning soon?

My interactive peeps!